Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Lack Of Political Will, Dearth Of Textbooks Hindering Teaching In Mother Tongue

March 20, 2014

Ekiti State Deputy Governor yesterday pushed for the political will power for the enforcement of the mother tongue as language of instruction at the basic education level. She said the call became imperative to boost the literacy level in the country as its adoption will make learning attractive to pupils, reminding the federal and states’ governments to commence the implementation of the language of the immediate community to teach pupils.
The deputy governor spoke as one of the resource persons at a three-day workshop on the Neuroscience of Early Years & Basic Education at 20th Economic Summit on “Transforming Education Through Partnersip for Global Competitiveness” which opened at Tanscorp Hilton Hotel in Abuja yesterday.
There was a consensus on the pre-service and in-service training as well as incentives to motivate teachers at the elementary education level among participants.
Mrs. Adelabu, who spoke at the interactive section during the workshop, also canvassed the complete overhaul of the education curriculum, which she said was
outdated and out of tune with modern day trends. She flayed the current curriculum which has not accorded enough attention to practical teaching above theory.
Other participants expressed concern on the dearth of textbooks in local languages, especially in science and technical-related subjects.
One of the participants noted that the availability of such textbooks and the adoption of local dialects have contributed in no small measure to the technological growth of countries like China and India.

Last modified: March 20, 2014

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