Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

We Must Do More To Prevent An Outbreak In Ekiti State – Governor Fayemi

March 29, 2020

Text of the Address by His Excellency, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, CON Governor, Ekiti State, Nigeria on the occasion of the address titled: WE MUST DO MORE TO PREVENT AN OUTBREAK IN EKITI STATE at Government House, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State on Sunday, March 29, 2020


  1. On Friday, March 20th 2020, I addressed you on the global scourge of the novel coronavirus named COVID-19 and its presence in Ekiti State as well as on the immediate actions we were taking to prevent the virus and curtail its spread.
  2. I am glad to report that as at this morning, Ekiti State has not recorded any additional case of confirmed coronavirus patient while our single patient is doing very well in our isolation center, still without showing any symptom. We are hopeful that his repeat test will come back negative so he can be discharged soon. However, this could be attributed to our very low rate of testing due to limited testing capabilities.
  3. I also want to acknowledge the patriotic residents who have acted responsibly in public interest by complying with the initial guidelines issued in my broadcast as part of our strategy to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Ekiti State. However, it is very disappointing that the majority of Ekiti Citizens have either been lukewarm, nonchalant or downright defiant in observing the simple but extremely effective preventive actions of hand washing with soap under running water, coughing into the inner elbow and maintaining social distancing to protect themselves from infection and curtail the spread of the virus in their communities.

Click Here to read more and/or download the full text.

Last modified: March 29, 2020

3 Responses to " We Must Do More To Prevent An Outbreak In Ekiti State – Governor Fayemi "

  1. Samuel says:

    I appreciate what his Excellency is doing toward stopping the spread of this disease(covid-19) but my main concern is that, what’s the plan of his Excellency toward the survival of the people if they’re been restricted and brought under curfew? I believe the government should at least, give either cash or some food to the citizen if they’re to stay at home… Because depression and hunger will kill most at home rather than the virus. Please his Excellency should try and do something about that. Thanks.

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