Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Ekiti State Audit Service Commission

The  Commission  was established on 18th August, 2021 by the then Governor of Ekiti State Dr. John Kayode Fayemi vide  the Law captioned Ekiti State Audit Law, 2014  which was initially inaugurated and passed into law by Dr. John Kayode Fayemi on 15th day of September, 2014.  The Law was later repealed and re-enacted to provide for the Establishment of Ekiti State Audit Service Commission and the Offices of the Auditors-General and other matters connected therewith. This law was referred to as Ekiti State Audit Service Commission Law, No.3 of 2021.

The Commission was established with the responsibility for Career Management of all Auditors in the State Public Service; including providing advice for Government on Audit Policy issues.  The aim was to raise the standard of, the professional capacity of all Auditors in the State Public Service, in line with global practices of transparency and accountability towards the attainment of a true independent Public Audit.

The Commission is responsible for engendering trust and confidence in Public Sector processes that exemplify the principles of probity, merit, Accountability, transparency, impartiality, consistency and fairness.  It is committed to ensuring that these core principles are not mere ends in themselves, but the means to achieving the greater goal; thus facilitating; provision of quality, objective and reliable information for good governance, through audit services, delivered by skilled, efficient, ethical and highly motivated workforce.

To be an Outstanding Organization committed to Excellence in Global Public Service Audit

Build a disciplined, highly motivated and ethical Audit workforce committed to professionalism, safety of public funds and providing objective and reliable financial information for good Governance.

Enhancement of Auditors independence and professionalism

As at today, there are Seven (7) Departments and Four (4) Units in the Commission and responsibilities attached to each department are as detailed below:

  1. Administration & Human Resource Department:-It combines general administration of the office, with the Human Resource Management to ensure that, the objectives of the Commission are met.
  2. Finance and Accounts Department:-It is responsible for the processing of all financial activities of the Commission.
  3. Recruitment and Appeal Department:-Handle matters relating to Appointments, Transfer of Service and Confirmation of Appointment and upgrading of Auditors in the Civil Service. It also deals with issues of Rights of Appeal arising from the decisions of the Commission.
  4. Career Management/Discipline Department:-The directorate is responsible for establishment of matters which included promotion, conversion and career progression of Audit staff.
  5. Technical Department:-The directorate is in charge of Training and capacity building, strategy and advisory services coupled with implementation of code of conduct as well as preparation of technical career development plan for members of Staff.
  6. Exit and Severance Department:- The department handles matters that deals with both Statutory Voluntary retirement and death benefits of Staff.
  7. Secretariat: Deals with policy matters, Board meetings, Circulation of minutes.
  • Gather and prepare information on various issues relating to the Audit Staff so that, the Board can take decisions.
  • Ensuring that, legal requirements of the Audit law is complied with.
  • Other assignments that may be assigned to her by the Chairman.
  1. Other Four (4) Units are:-
  • ICT Unit
  • Internal Audit Unit
  • Planning Unit
  • Procurement Unit

Below are some of the activities of the Commission.

  1. To appoint persons to hold or act in such other offices as may constitute the Directorates and Units of the Office.
  2. To Recruit/Appoint, Post / Transfer and Confirm Appointments of Person(s) employed by the Commission
  3. To ensure an equitable distribution of staff within the three offices for efficient, effective and optimal performance.
  4. Advice the Governor on the need to provide welfare for Audit staff.
  5. To Appoint and Promote Staff on the recommendation of the Auditor-General and Secretary to the Commission.
  6. To subject any erring staff of the Office of the Auditors-General and Commission to discipline processes and impose appropriate Sanction.
  7. Advice Government on Policy and Issues relating to Audit matters
  1. INTEGRITY: The Auditor is expected to establish trust among his clients.  This will be the basis for reliance on his judgements.
  2. CONFIDENTIALITY: Audit’s clients should respect the confidentiality of information acquired/released in the course of the audit. The Auditor should not be careless with documents and other information acquired from the organization he audits.
  3. PROFESSIONALISM: The auditor should be professionally competent to carry out his assignments.  He is expected to be ahead of those he audits for obvious reasons.
  4. OBJECTIVITY: This states that Auditors should not allow bias, conflict of interest, or undue influence of others to over-ride their professional judgements.
  5. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR: This refers to acting professionally during audits.  It states that auditor should comply with relevant laws and regulations.  He should avoid any act that can discredit the profession.
  6. PROBITY: Upholding honesty, integrity, and strong moral principles in all actions and decisions.
  7. MERIT: Recognizing and rewarding based on skills, qualifications, and performance rather than external factors.
  8. ACCOUNTABILITY: Taking responsibility for actions, decisions, and their consequences, ensuring transparency and reliability.
  9. TRANSPARENCY: Operating openly and honestly, providing clarity in actions, decisions, and communication.
  10. IMPARTIALITY: Making decisions and judgments without bias or favouritism, treating all parties fairly and equally.
  11. CONSISTENCY: Applying standards, rules, and decisions uniformly and reliably over time, ensuring predictability and reliability.
  12. FAIRNESS: Treating all individuals and stakeholders equitably and justly, considering their rights and circumstances.
  13. DUE COMPETENCE: The Auditor’s ability to practically and skilfully apply gained knowledge and possessed experience in performing the auditing process objectively, carefully and accurately.
1 Hon.Ayoola Owolabi CHAIRMAN
2 Hon. N.K Olanipekun COMMISSIONER I
3 Hon. Cecilia Dada COMMISSIONER II
4 Hon. Tope R. Adefila COMMISSIONER III
5 Hon. Barr. Iyanu Olumuagun COMMISSIONER IV
6 Mr. Julius Ayotunde Ogunlade ACTING SECRETARY
7 Mr. Adebayo Joseph Olufemi ACTING SECRETARY
1 Mr. Adebayo R. Ade-Ojo, (mni.) CHAIRMAN
2 Dr. Bello Mufutau Olusola COMMISSIONER I
3 Mr. Fasakin Alfred Kayode COMMISSIONER II
4 Mr. Oluwasanmi Jonathan O. COMMISSIONER III
5 Hon. Akinleye Simon Ekundayo COMMISSIONER IV
6 Mrs. Oluwatoyin A. Emmanuel SECRETARY

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