Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Fayemi Moves To Avert Traffic Congestion On Ado-Iworoko-Ifaki

July 22, 2012

Part of the Ado-Iworoko Road under Rehabilitation.

Apparently touched by the plight of residents of Ado Ekiti and commuters on Ado- Iworoko – Ifaki road, the State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi has directed  Hajaig Construction company ,the contractor handling the on-going construction of the road to complete the first lane this week and make it accessible to commuters to prevent the current traffic congestion on the road.

The Governor gave the directive in Ado Ekiti during a meeting with contractors handling the various road projects across the State; saying that he has received several calls from residents  with complaints of getting stuck in traffic for two hours and work needed to be expedited on the road to ease traffic on the road.

Dr. Fayemi who noted that the heavy traffic on the road was not unconnected to the fact that it is a major artery out of the State capital appealed to commuters to bear with the state government pending when the two lanes would be completed but urged the contractor handling the road to speed up work on the first lane to reduce the traffic.

When asked of the completion date of the road, the contractor promised that the road would be completed by the end of October even as he promised to expedite action on the road to meet the target date.

Speaking on other road projects, the Governor said he would not give room for any excuse for slow pace of work or non performance and asked each of the contractors to give the state government a guarantee that they would meet the target date of delivery or face revocation of their contracts.

Contractors handling Ijigbo-Ilawe road, Ikogosi-Ipole Iloro road and Ijan-Ise road promised to deliver their road projects by September while the contractort handling Odo Owa- Oke Ila road said he had completed the road and is ready for handing over to the state government.

The Contractor handling Okemesi-Itawure road was given two months to finish the remaining 2.5 km left for the road to be completed.

Governor Fayemi however urged those who are still doing earth works to put in more effort so that the rains would not delay them and encouraged those who are laying asphalts to speed up because Ekiti people are eager to see the roads deliver to them.

Fayemi told them that he would continue to monitor progress on the roads and assured of his readiness to assist any contractor who is faced with unforeseen major challenges but lamented the low patronage of local contents by the contractors; adding that a patronage of indigenous services and expertise would further develop the state.

Last modified: July 22, 2012

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