Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Fayemi Doles Out N238 Million For Community Development Projects

September 16, 2012

Ekiti State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, with a cross section of Community Leaders, during the distribution and presentation of Cheques for Community Development Projects to 26 communities in State... on Friday.

Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi has presented cheques worth N238 million (Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight Million Naira) to 26 communities in the State for Community Development Projects of the State Community and Social Development Agency (EKSCDA).

Presenting the cheques in Ado Ekiti on Friday, the Governor said the gesture is not only a proactive measure aimed at improving the well being of the grassroots but also a part of the fulfillment of the vision of his administration to reduce poverty in the State as encapsulated the 8-point agenda.

Fayemi, who said that through the Community Development Plan, 26 communities would be executing a minimum of three micro community development projects, expressed optimism that the projects would further enhance community development drives even as about 78 projects with direct impact on the people would be financed through the initiative.

He added that the choice of Ekiti State as one of the States implementing the Community and Social Development Project (CSDP) is consistent with the mission of this administration to put poverty to flight in the State.

While commending EKSCDA for the transformational projects it has embarked upon in the past three years, the Governor stated that the provision of basic social-economic infrastructure that would ensure minimum comfort and good living standards for the masses is a collective responsibility of all Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

Governor Fayemi described EKSCDA as a key component in the collective drive to transform Ekiti State strategically; saying that it is indeed a tool for the transformation and empowerment of the people particularly at the grassroots.

He added that by the end of the year, no fewer than 300 Micro Projects would have been delivered.

Fayemi urged necessary MDAs to ensure that these projects especially the Health Centres are adequately staffed and equipped to achieve the expected outcome when completed.

The Governor stressed that the state government would neither spare any effort nor relent in its determination to continue the worthy partnership with relevant agencies and bodies to realize the goal of his administration.

Fayemi explained :“I like to draw your attention to the massive construction of roads across major towns and communities in the state as well as provision of other landmark infrastructural facilities which we consider as parts of our administration’s efforts to create jobs for our youths, fast track development and encourage investors to the state”.

Earlier, the Chairman of the Agency, Chief Ibidapo Awojolu asserted that Ekiti State ranks as one of the best performing States in Nigeria as shown in the report sent to the Minister of Finance and Coordinator of the Economy, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala by the World Bank Country representative, Ms Marie Francoise Marie-Nelly after her visit to the State.

Awojolu said that the newly launched projects cut across education, gender, environment, rural electrification, health, water and transport among others. He commended the Governor for approving the payment of #100 Million for the 2010 counterpart fund and the aproval of another #100 Million for the year 2011.

Awojolu added that Fayemi’s commitment to the Community Development programmes is a testimony that he is following the foot step of Chief Obafemi Awolowo who recognised the compelling need to combat poverty through a four point agenda that run through education, health, agriculture and rural development.

Last modified: September 16, 2012

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