Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

LETTERS: Omuooke Ekiti Autonomy: Kudos To Fayemi

January 11, 2013

SIR: I wish to appreciate and commend the selfless efforts and exceptional courage of the Ekiti State government under the leadership of Dr Kayode Fayemi on the autonomy recently granted to Omuooke Ekiti in Ekiti East Local Government even as we await the official presentation of staff of office to His Royal Highness, Oba Valentine Adebayo Otitoju, the Olomuooke of Omuooke Ekiti in no distance date.

The expressions of profound gratitude to the state government through this medium became pertinent having earlier written a passionate letter of appeal to the governor to swiftly do justice on the subject matter last year.

To say that the autonomy granted to Omuooke Ekiti is a well deserved one and indeed long overdue is to state the obvious, taking into cognisance the years of injustice, oppression, and suppression suffered by the community.

The suffering and challenges faced by the Omuooke people during these lengthy years can be likened to the experience of the Israelites in the hands of Pharaohs in the land of the Egypt before God decided to set them free through Moses. Dr Fayemi is the Moses of our time. Thank God that you have allowed yourself and your government to be used as a vessel to liberate our great community from the age-long evil shackles.

Mr Governor Sir, you demonstrate, through this action of yours, what a good person, a good leader, a true democrat and an advocate of social justice means in the real words of it.

As you have written your name in gold, the entire indigenes of Omuooke Ekiti would never forget and would ever appreciate your government for what you have done for our great community.

I would also like to use this opportunity to appreciate the noble role played by the reputable Ekiti State Council of Obas, particularly the committee assigned for a fact finding mission to the disputed communities leading to the subsequent recommendation of a deserved autonomy for the community as contained in their report submitted to the Governor Adeniyi Adebayo administration after the conclusion of the highly tasking assignment. Your highnesses’ unbiased and objective report and recommendations is what we are celebrating today even though it took ages to be implemented.

I also wish to appreciate individuals and groups who overtly or covertly contributed in one way or the other during the struggles.


 Lanre Atere writes from  Glasgow, United Kingdom.

 This article was first published in The Nation

Last modified: January 11, 2013

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