Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Commissioner Commends EKCSDA For Efficient Utilization Of Resources

May 9, 2013

Ekiti State Commissioner for Local Government Affairs, Barrister Paul Omotoso has commended the management of Ekiti State Community and Social Development Agency (EKCSDA) for the efficient utilization of resources at their disposal and proper counselling given to communities in their choice of micro projects.

Barr. Omotoso who gave the commendation while hosting the management of EKCSDA in Ado-Ekiti, added that the activities of the agency have helped to impact positively in the lives of people in various communities across the state.

Noting that the Agency has also propagated the objectives of the state government through its programmes, the Commissioner promised to always give maximum support and assistance to the Agency whenever the need arises.
He urged the management to keep the tempo of the good works as the Ministry will continue to partner with the Agency to bring smiles to the faces of Ekiti people.

In his remarks, the General Manager of EKCSDA, Mr. Steve Bamisaye lauded the Ministry for being supportive of the Agency and promised to ensure a better relationship with the Ministry.

Last modified: May 9, 2013

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