Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Fayemi’s Achievements are Monumental – Information Commissioner

November 11, 2013

Ekiti State Commissioner for Information and Civic Orientation, Mr. Tayo Ekundayo has asserted that the achievements of Dr. Kayode Fayemi led administration have surpassed those all the previous administrations put together.
The Commissioner, who made the assertion at a forum in Lagos, attributed the high level of achievements of the government to the proper implementation of the well-thought-out 8-point agenda of the administration which he said was tailored towards reducing poverty and attracting investment to  the state.
According to him, Ekiti has been transformed through aggressive infrastructural development put in place by the government which he said has impacted positively on the lives of the people.
Mr. Ekundayo highlighted some of these achievements to include construction of hundreds of kilometers of both inter-township and intra-township roads, distribution of over 50thousand laptop computers to students and teachers in the state, renovation of all public schools, implementation of social security scheme under which elderly citizens above the age of 65years receive a monthly stipend of five thousand Naira each.
Others include tourism development including the transformation of the Ikogosi Warm Spring into the number one tourist destination in Nigeria, implementation of an aggressive agricultural policy involving large scale irrigation farming and the engagement of hundreds of interested and enterprising youngsters under the Youths in Commercial Agriculture (Y-CAD) as well as a highly successful free health
missions that have impacted directly or indirectly on every family in the state.
Soliciting the continued support of the people for the efforts of the present administration to develop the state and improve their lots, Ekundayo assured that government would not relent efforts at ensuring the general well-being of the people adding that the administration would also continue its policy of not abandoning project initiated by his predecessors.

Last modified: November 11, 2013

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