Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Fayemi Charges Newly Inaugurated Board Members on Efficiency

June 18, 2019

Ekiti State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, on Monday inaugurated 11 chairmen and members of Boards, Commissions and Agencies saying  the appointments were informed by the need to reposition and strengthen government for effective and efficient service delivery to the people.

Performing the ceremony at the Osuntokun Pavilion, Government House, Ado-Ekiti, the Governor charged those inaugurated to swiftly deploy their experiences and expertise towards ensuring the realization of the laudable goals  and objectives of this administration.

He said “The plans and programmes of this administration are purpose-driven and aimed at engendering positive and impactful outcomes. We are extending our frontiers by formulating policies and taking decision that would promote the interest of our people.”

Governor Fayemi stressed that the focal point of his administration was to restore the values, dignity and honour of Ekiti people urging them to maintain and sustain the tempo of good governance in their various offices and refrain from acts that can bring the government into disrepute.

While charging them on the need to be totally loyal and committed to the policies and programmes of government, the governor said he looks forward to positive feedback concerning their performance from the people whom they represent.

Congratulating them on their selection out of many, Governor Fayemi posited that their appointments was not merely based on party allegiance and patronage, but on their past records of achievements, enjoining them to bring their wealth of experience to bare in the discharge of their official duties and responsibilities.

He said, “Remember that you are the face of government in your various offices and constituencies, there should be total loyalty and commitment to the policies and programmes of government. Our people, who gave us the mandate should feel your impact and justification of your appointment.

“I assure you that you have no reason to be sycophantic. Once you commit yourself to the fulfilment of your mandate and responsibilities legitimately, you are assured of my unflinching support. The restoration agenda of our government is a task that must be collectively embraces and worked towards. You are expected to drive the agenda especially as it relates to your Boards and Commissions.

“I implore you to see your appointment as a call to service to etch your name on the sands of time in Ekiti and a call to be a part of positive history. I charge you all to work towards the success of this government in the overall best interest of Ekiti-Kete, by so doing, our people will once again be proud of us as a government and a state anywhere they are.”

The Boards, Commissions and Agencies that were inaugurated are: State Independent Electoral Commission; State Universal Basic Education Board; Civil Service Commission; Local Government Service Commission; Teaching Service Commission and House of Assembly Service Commission.

Others are Board for Technical and Vocational Education; Primary Healthcare Delivery Agency; Hospital Management Board; Ekiti State Community and Social Development Agency and Judicial Service Commission.

Responding on behalf of other Chairmen and members, Chairman Civil Service Commission, Sir, Bunmi Famosaya (Mni), promised on behalf of other chairmen and members to do their best to ensure the governor succeeds in his drive to reposition the state for effective service delivery.

Last modified: June 18, 2019

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