Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

LETTER: Gov. Kayode Fayemi, Exhibiting Confidence In Governance

November 23, 2012

Every epoch has its defining moments and the people who shape the course of history either for good or for bad. Ekiti State is at such defining moment in its history. Of course, given their experience with the past leaders, be it military or civilian alike, not so many people believed Dr Kayode Fayemi when he promised to do things differently and give governance a new positive face. For the skeptics, l mean those on the other side of the aisle, the governor was merely grand-standing just as his predecessors had done.

Two years on, the skeptics are becoming believers of the Gospel according to Governor John’s extra-ordinary performance which has continue to spread far and wide. Fayemi is charting a new vista for the State and opening new windows of opportunities that are turning Ekiti State into a pace-setter among its peers. The level of development of any community largely depends on the effectiveness of its leader.

A good leader is one who has the initiative and foresight to achieve set goals and objectives aimed at improving the living conditions of his people. In a democracy like ours, the full realisation of the dividends of democracy can only be attained through such good leadership. Without mincing words, the people of Ekiti State are proud to have a leader that has these pre-requisite qualities, in person of His Excellency, Dr Kayode Fayemi, the Executive Governor of the State.

In the last two years, the people have continued to reap the ever-increasing dividends of democracy through the able and dynamic leadership of the indefatigable, people-oriented Governor. In just two years, a lot of projects and facilities have been put in place, most especially in the areas of Roads and Drainages, Healthcare delivery, Housing, water supply Poverty reduction, Agricultural inputs, Education, rural transformation, Commerce and Industry, Environmental protection, Information dissemination and mass mobilisation among others, which have surpassed the expectations of critics of the administration. As can be seen now everywhere in Ekiti is now a construction site.

Aged people are being assisted monthly with N5,000 without regard to party of affiliation. All the students in public schools from SSS.1 to 3 were given free lap-top to link modern education advancement in the world, all schools were renovated to make reading comfortable for these leaders of tomorrow.
The list is in-exhaustible that can not be mentioned one by one. Anyone familiar with the terrain of The ancient city of Ado-Ekiti two years ago, and comes visiting will not believe what Fayemi’s administration has done to the city. As a result of all these, we should rally round him to move Ekiti State forward without minding the sabre-rattling of those megalomaniac desperadoes whose hand-work in the past brought the State to the then sorrowful condition. ‘It is a proverbial disgrace to stumble over the same stone twice’ ….Cicero. EKITI A GBE A O.

By Sola Oladeji

Last modified: November 23, 2012

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