Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Ekiti State Requests for Proposal on the Engagement of a Strategic Partner/Concessionaire/Operator

June 24, 2020

In line with the strategic vision of Ekiti State Government (“EKSG”), which includes attracting investments into the State and enhancing job creation, EKSG is currently in the process of strategic optimization of State-owned assets, through Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) initiatives. As part of the above, EKSG seeks to engage interested private sector investors for the concession of two (2) of its newly developed assets: King’s Market and Ekiti Civic Centre.

Under the planned concession arrangement, the identified and qualified Private Sector Partner (“PSP”) / Strategic Partner will be granted concession rights to the assets, under a Manage, Operate and Transfer (“MOT”) model over a 5-year concession period with an option of renewal subject to negotiation.

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Last modified: June 24, 2020

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