Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Public Service Announcement on School Re-Opening on Monday, January 18, 2021

January 17, 2021

Ekiti State Government has charged all public and private schools in the state to adhere strictly to COVID-19 protocols as schools reopen for the second term of 2020/2021 session on Monday, 18th January 2021.

A statement in Ado Ekiti on Sunday by the Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Dr Olabimpe Aderiye stressed that principals and headteachers are to ensure strict compliance with COVID 19 protocols to safeguard the lives of staff and students.

Dr Aderiye said that the temperature of every one must be checked daily, with infrared thermometer at the school gate by trained personnel so that those who need referral can be directed appropriately.

  • Veronica buckets with water, liquid soap and hand sanitizers must be placed strategically for hand washing.
  • Seats must be arranged in classes and staff rooms to ensure social distancing.
  • Everyone must wear face mask mandatorily, and properly to cover both nose and mouth.
  • Assembly must not exceed 15minutes and shall be done per class to avoid large gatherings.
  • All activities that will result in body contacts are suspended.
  • School compound and classrooms must be kept clean at all times
  • Students/pupils must not share spoons, bowls, water bottles, handkerchief, pencil, pen, eraser, snacks or food.
  • All schools shall open at 8am and close at 2pm except on Friday when schools will close at 1pm.

The State Task Force and officials of the State Education Sector will inspect schools beginning from 18th January 2021

There will be random COVID testing of staff (both teaching and administrative) and students as part of measures to monitor and prevent the spread of the virus.

Last modified: January 18, 2021

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