Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Together with you, Let’s Keep Ekiti Working

October 16, 2022

Ekiti Kete,

The hour is upon us!

A few months ago, I embarked on a journey to consolidate the efforts of our leaders in restoring the values of our dear state. In the company of visionary stakeholders, we took a unified decision to further strengthen our resolve for the greater Ekiti we envisioned.

This story is incomplete without mentioning the undying love and backing I received from you in the cause of my emergence as the new Governor of Ekiti state. I thank you for believing in me to serve you as your leader. Again, I am deeply humbled by your immeasurable support, and I want to assure you that I will work tirelessly to make sure your concerns are heard and addressed.

Whether or not you voted for me in this election, I want you to know that I am dedicated to serving you. When we work together, putting aside political affiliations, as members of one community, I know that we can accomplish great things.

Going forward, your struggles are my struggles, your concerns are my concerns, and your hopes are my hopes. Now we have a lot to accomplish for our socioeconomic advancement, and I am very much excited to work for you. Let me also reassure you of my commitment to be accountable, accessible, and responsive to your yearnings.

On this note, it is with utmost pleasure to invite you to my Inauguration Ceremony as your NEW GOVERNOR today!

Date: Sunday, September 16, 2022
Venue: Ekiti Parapo Pavillion, New Ado-Iyin Road, Ado-Ekiti
Time: 10 am

Together with You, Let’s Keep Ekiti Working!

Last modified: October 16, 2022

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