Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

EKSG to Boost Economy through Increased IGR

May 22, 2012

The Chairman of Ekiti State Board of Internal Revenue, Mr. Isola Akingbade has reiterated the commitment of the present administration to increase the state’s Internally Generated Revenue in order to boost the State’s economy.

Mr. Akingbade gave the information while featuring on an EKTV personality programme ‘My Agenda’.

He said that within 18 months that Governor Kayode Fayemi has been in the saddle, the State’s IGR has remarkably gone up to over N1 billion monthly, while it is still hoped that the figure will increase in the next couple of months.

The Chairman noted that one of the strategies to increase the revenue base of the state is to interact with the various Trade Associations and Artisans in the state in order to bring them into the state’s tax net.

Mr. Akingbade revealed that government will get more revenue from the state owned industries when fully resuscitated, adding that Tourism, Agriculture and other Investments would yield more money for the state if properly harnessed.

He stressed the need to make payment of tax affordable and convenient to people of the informal sector, adding that efforts are being made to make payment for number plates and the associated fees cheaper in Ekiti State than that of the neighbouring States.

The BIR boss also advocated for the review of the country’s revenue sharing formula as most of the  responsibilities of the Federal Government have now been transferred to the states such as provision of infrastructures and security.

The Chairman however pleaded with the people to pay all their levies promptly in order to contribute their quota towards the economic growth of the state, assuring that all leakages would be blocked for government to have enough money to fund its projects.

Last modified: May 22, 2012

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