Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Fayemi’s Wife Lauds Ekiti First Family Court

June 21, 2012

L-R: Presiding Judge of the newly inaugurated Family Court, Ekiti State Judiciary, Justice Monisola Abodunde; Chief Judge of the state, Justice Ayodeji Daramola; Wife of the State Governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi; and Commissioner for Women's Affairs, Social Development and Gender Empowerment, Mrs. Fola Richie-Adewusi, during the inauguration of the court, in Ado-Ekiti... on Thursday

Wife of Ekiti state governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, has lauded the inauguration of the first family court in the state as a new accomplishment by the government in its concerted efforts to ensure justice for women and children and promoting peace in the family.
She stated this in an address at the inauguration of the court in Ado-Ekiti, the state capital, on Thursday, adding that the new court would also serve the general interest of families seeking redress over perceived injustice.

The family court was inaugurated at the High and Magistrate’s levels, with the appointment of Justice Monisola Abodunde and Mrs. Oluyemisi Jibodu, as pioneer presiding judge and magistrate respectively.
The state’s Chief Judge, Justice Ayodeji Daramola, who performed the inauguration, said that the new courts would “bring justice nearer to the weak and vulnerable.”
The governor’s wife said that the latest addition to the state’s judiciary system was a boost to the new Gender-based Violence Act and the Child Right Act, as well as other child-friendly Laws in the state.
The First Lady said that the Ekiti State Development Foundation (EDF), which she founded, would continue to partner the state government in the empowerment and promotion of the rights and well being of women, the girl-child and the youth.
Fayemi said, “I will like to let this forum know that the EDF, which I established last year, would continue to be a very active partner of the Ekiti state government towards the promotion of the rights and welfare of our people, particularly our women and children.

“Some of the things put in place to ensure enabling environment include the Child Rights Law, which was put in place before our administration. But we are now playing very key role in ensuring that it is implemented and taken seriously.
“Our administration has been able to enact a Gender-based Violence (Prohibition) Law in 2011.”

Stressing the need for families to live peacefully to enable them to contribute to the socio-economic development of the state, the governor’s wife noted that the purpose of man’s existence was to add value to life.
To attain this, she said that there must be a congenial environment where the potentials of all could be harnessed.
Fayemi said that government’s unrelenting efforts targeted at improving the education standard could only be effective when children were kept off the street during school hours and were allowed access to quality education as provided by the government.
She restated the commitment of the government to ensuring justice to every citizen, but admonished women against filing frivolous allegations against their husbands.

Inaugurating the court, the CJ commended the Governor Kayode Fayemi-led administration for bringing justice nearer to the weak and the vulnerable in the society, majority of whom he said were sometimes subjected to social, physical and psychological abuse.
Justice Daramola said the family court was established in accordance with the provisions of sections 149-170 of the Ekiti State Child’s Rights Law of 2006 which stipulates the establishment of the family court at both the High Court and Magistrate Court levels.

Last modified: June 21, 2012

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