Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Women Affairs Ministry Condemns Killing Of 70 Year Old Woman

July 14, 2012

The Ministry of Women Affairs, Social Development and Gender Empowerment has condemned the recent killing of a 70 year old woman, Madam Rebecca Adewunmi, in Omuo Ekiti by youths who had accused her of being a witch.

The Commissioner for Women Affairs, Social development and Gender Empowerment, Mrs. Fola Richie-Adewusi, in a statement made available to journalists in Ado-Ekiti on Saturday, described the act as criminal, barbaric and a contravention of laid down laws in Ekiti State.

Mrs Richie-Adewusi, who lamented that such an unfortunate incidence could still happen in this modern age, said it was sad that the poor old woman was killed based on alleged dream by a little girl that she had a hand in the illness of her stepson.

The Commissioner also faulted the failure of the police to make any arrest since June 30th when the incident occurred, just because some prominent leaders in the community reportedly advised the police against wading into a witchcraft case.

Saying that the signing into law of the Ekiti State Gender Based Violence Prohibition bill by Governor Kayode Fayemi last November had made such barbaric act a criminal matter in Ekiti State with great consequences,  Mrs. Richie-Adewusi called for the immediate arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators of the dastardly act.

According to her, the Gender –Based Violence includes: threats to commit, or acts liable to result in physical abuse, which includes slapping, beating, arm twisting, stabbing, strangling, burning, choking, kicking, threats with an object or weapon, murder and traditional practices which are harmful to health and well being:”

“It is clear that the perpetrators of this dastardly act have contravened this law and they should be made to face the full wrath of the law. This act is condemnable and we hope the law enforcement agents will live up to their responsibility and bring all the perpetrators to book.”, she added.




Last modified: July 14, 2012

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