Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

EKHA Ractifies Retirement of Former Chief Judge

July 20, 2011

The Ekiti State House of Assembly has passed a resolution ractifying the retirement of a former Chief Judge of the State, Justice Kayode Bamisile as directed by the National Judicial Council (NJC) about six years ago.

The National Judicial Council had in December 21, 2006 recommended the compulsory retirement of Justice Kayode Bamisile from the office of the Chief Judge of Ekiti State.

The House Majority Leader, Hon. Churchill Adedipe who moved the motion for the retirement of the Chief Judge based his motion on section 292 of the 1999 constitution as amended.

He said the section empowered the State Assembly to recommend via an address supported by 2/3rd majority of the House.

The House Leader moved that the House should recommend to the State Governor, Dr. John Kayode Fayemi to compulsorily retire Justice Kayode Bamisile from office as the Chief Judge of Ekiti State forthwith.

Contributing to the motion, the Deputy Speaker of the House, Hon. Orisalade Taiwo and another member, Hon. Ayodeji Odu aligned with the motion and said the House has the constitutional backing for the action.

The motion was unanimously approved by the members of the House.

Meanwhile the House has passed the Ekiti State Primary Health Care Development Agency Bill, 2011.

The bill seeks to establish an Agency for the development of Primary Health Care Delivery System in the State.

The Chairman of the House Committee on Health and Human Services, Hon. Alexander Ade-Ojo had earlier presented his committee’s report on the Bill.

The House had last year mandated the committee to further scrutinize the bill.

Hon. Ade-Ojo disclosed that a Public Hearing was organized by the committee to collate stake holders views on the bill.

He remarked that the stake holders at the Public Hearing canvassed for a speedy passage of the bill due to its participated positive effect on health care system in the state.

The bill successfully passed through the third reading and was read by the clerk of the House, Mr. Akintunde Famoyegun.

The Speaker, Rt. Hon. Adewale Omirin thanked his colleagues for their quick action on the hill.

He expressed confidence that the bill when operational will improve health care delivery at the grassroots in Ekiti State.

Last modified: July 20, 2011

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