Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

The Reclaiming Of Trust And Delivering Of Election Promises In Ekiti State

February 10, 2013

One reoccurring problem that has plagued the nation over the years is the dearth of purposeful leadership that can steer the ship of the nation into the Promised Land. Ekiti state created in October 1996 also is not left out in the search for leaders that can take the state to the Promised Land. Though, the leaders tried their best in the circumstances they found themselves, they were far away from the aspiration and yearnings of the people.

Thus the assumption of office by the Dr Kayode Fayemi as governor of Ekiti state after a protracted legal battle to reclaim his mandate gave the people hope of a new beginning.

Almost two years and four months into his first tenure in office, there is no doubt that the people can attest to his sterling performance.

One unanimous trend in the peoples’ opinion has been that the governor has touched many lives with his welfarist programmes as encapsulated in the 8-point agenda.

Chairman of the state branch of the Conference of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP), Prince Tunji Ogunlola recently said the achievements posted by governor Fayemi has shut the mouth of the opposition in the state saying the new look of the state capital Ado-Ekiti pointed to the fact that the governor has not just been sitting on the state resources, but has demonstrated high sense of integrity, accountability and responsibility in managing the affairs of the state.

While Fayemi armed himself with an 8-point agenda with which to turn around the fortunes of the state within a short term only to discover to his chagrin that bottlenecks were already in place to scuttle his vision for the state.

Not only was the state highly indebted, there were challenges from poor foundation in place which any serious government must destroy and lay solid one in place for development to take place.

Also there were those who believed that the governor should open the treasury and be throwing money about in a bid to enslave the people rather than leaving behind a good legacy.

The 8-point agenda has been the guiding light for his silent transformation of the state. The 8-point agenda which is an all embracing touches on good governance, infrastructural development, modernizing agriculture, education and human capital development, health care services, industrial development, tourism and gender equality and empowerment

One area which the governor has recorded tremendous success is in the implementation of the Social Security Scheme for the indigent elders. At present about 20,000 elders above the age of 65 years is current earning a stipend of N5, 000 monthly.

The scheme which is the first of its kind in the country has brought so succors to the elders in the state who can barely afford a meal per day and has given them a new lease of life. It is usually a celebration time when the elders filed out every month to be paid at different location close to their homes. They sing and dance to the admiration of people around.

It is in appreciation of this scheme that the Leadership Newspaper last year gave the award of the Best Governor of the Year to Dr Fayemi. While presenting the award, an elder statesman, Alhaji Maitama Sule had noted that the governor stood out among his peers because of his vision and sense of purpose in the administration of the state.

One area for which the governor is also celebrated is the infrastructural development of the state. Hitherto, Ado-Ekiti the state capital could ordinarily passed for a headquarters of local council. But the Urban Renewal Programme embarked upon by the Fayemi administration has changed the face of Ado-Ekiti.

Not only has the hitherto poorly constructed dual carriage way been redesigned with good drainages and a better road median to add aesthetic value to the beautification of the town, streetlights were being installed and test run to enable resident enjoy night life, which before now was not existing

The government also awarded contracts for the dualisation of other roads in the state capital. They are Old Garage – Ojumose and Okeyinmi – Atikankan to ease traffic on the major roads in the town. These new roads are now nearing completion.

Besides, the major roads, inner roads in the state capital have received the attention of the governor. They are Mobil – Irona; Ben Folarin – Isato – Oke Ori Omi; Old Governor’s Office – Okesa Round About; Oke Ori Omi – Aremu; Ola Oluwa – Omisanjana; Oke Ila – Idolofin; Stadium – Dallimore; Okeyinmi –st Andrews – Oke Ila; Okesa – Stadium – Oremeji junction; Adebayo – Olora – housing Junction; Basiri – Nova; Ile Abiye- GRA – Onigari; Egbewa – NTA Junction; Adekaitan- Ilawe – Spotless Junction; Mugbagba- Odo Ado.

Some of these inner roads have been completed while the rest are at different stages of completion.

Beyond the state capital, roads across the six local governments have been touched. Some of the completed road projects are Ado-Afao; Ado- Ilawe; Awo-Iyin; Efon-Ipole Iloro-Ikogosi; Fajuyi- Teaching Hospital Road; Erijiyan-Ilawe;  Itawure-Okemesi; Ewu Bridge; Ijigbo-Isato; Ilawe-Igbaraodo-ibuji; Odo-Owa-Okela; Otun-Osun-Iloro.

Ongoing roads are Ado-Ikere; Aramoko-Ijero-Ido; Ado-Iworoko Dual Carriage Way;  Ero Bridge; Ido Ile-Okemesi junction; Igede-Awo-Osi-Ido; Ijan-Ise; Ijero-Ipoti-Ayetoro; Ikere-Igbaraodo; Ikole-Ijesa Isu-Ilumoba; Ilawe-Ikere; Ilemeso-omu; Irele-Ponyan; Itapaji-Iyemero Bridge; Otun-Erimope Bridge; Otun-Ora Boundary; Oye- Aree; Oye-ikun-Otun; Ilukuno-Ipotiamong others.

Education sector was not left out in the by the governor’s transformation agenda. Not only is the government implementing free education in all primary and public schools, it has also embarked on the massive renovation of public school building across the state. Under the 1st phase of the programme tagged Operation Renovate All Schools in Ekiti {ORASE}, 100 public schools benefitted. The second phase of the programme is ongoing.

By Ifedayo Sayo

Last modified: February 10, 2013

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