Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Ekiti To Commit More Resources To Fighting Polio

February 27, 2013

Ekiti State government has appealed to caretaker chairmen in the 16 local government areas, faith based organisations and traditional rulers to join hands with government in its bid to eliminate polio virus in the state.

State Deputy Governor, Mrs Funmi Olayinka who spoke in her office on Tuesday told visiting members of the State Task Force on Polio Eradication and Routine immunization that the government was more committed than ever before to deploy all resources to ensuring that the people are healthy to contribute their quota to the development of the state.

She explained that the critical stakeholders in the health sector have been given a marching order towards the realisation of government’s agenda as it concerns primary health care delivery.
Olayinka also informed the Task Force that the local government areas have been told to give all necessary supports towards the total elimination of the polio menace.

She added that. Specific instructions have been given to concern individuals to participate fully in all activities aimed at assisting all agencies that are involved in the fight against Polio.
Earlier in his address, chairman of the Task Force who doubles as the State Commissioner for Health, Prof. Olusola Fasubaa observed that more cases of polio have been reported in Nigeria in the recent past.
He reported that greater supports from stakeholders will enable the Task Force perform its duties and make the state consolidate on its impressive polio profile.

Last modified: February 27, 2013

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