Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Economy: Fayemi Opens 128-Stall Neighbourhood Market

May 8, 2013

Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi on Wednesday, commissioned a neighbourhood market in Awedele community in Ado Ekiti, as part of moves aimed at improving the socio-economic development of the State capital.

Opening the 128- stall Awedele Neighbouhood Market, Governor Fayemi said the new stalls were constructed to provide alternative market for traders who were displaced at the Bisi market which was partly demolished to pave the way for the recently completed construction of Atikankan-First Baptist road, now Funmi Olayinka Drive. He added that it would be unsafe and improper for traders to display their goods on the road side in view of inherent danger.

Dr. Fayemi who hinted that five more neighbourhood markets would soon be constructed in Ado Ekiti and the remaining 15 local government headquarters by October, said the newly opened market is a beacon to what the traders should expect in the proposed neighbourhood markets.

While announcing government’s intention to give out loans to the traders, the Governor said women empowerment is not limited to the female gender but also extends to the family and society who are the indirect beneficiaries of any empowerment women receive; stressing that  this was why his administration accord welfare of women top priority.

The Governor disclosed that his wife, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, would soon embark on a local government tour where she would give financial assistance to women through her foundation, Ekiti Development Foundation (EDF) as well as conduct a free health programme for the traders.

In her remarks the State President of the Market Women, Chief Waye Oso commended the Governor for his timely intervention and empowerment programmes for the traders; saying that though the traders had requested umbrellas to erect mini-stalls, the government had deemed it fit to provide them with befitting market stalls.

The market women who sang various songs of appreciation, also pledged their support for the Governor’s re-election come 2014.


Last modified: May 8, 2013

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