Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Fayemi Dedicates Supreme Court Victory To Ekiti People

June 3, 2013

L-R: Wife of Ekiti State Governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi; Deputy Governor, Prof. Modupe Adelabu; Governor Kayode Fayemi; and Chief of Staff to the Governor, Mr. Yemi Adaramodu, during an interview with correspondents on his victory at the Supreme Court, in Ado-Ekiti.

Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has said his victory at the Supreme Court last Friday was for the people of the state who have kept faith with his administration for almost three years he had been on the saddle.

The Governor in a broadcast to the people of the state late Sunday night said his court victory has compelled him to face the task of banishing poverty from Ekiti with greater vigour adding that the judgment has also strengthened him to accelerate the throttle of delivery to the populace.

Fayemi said he has no choice than to fully and wholeheartedly rededicate himself to the task of renewal and rebirth of Ekiti State noting that the Supreme Court decision has affirmed the people’s collective efforts, prayers, support and desire to have a government elected by them and responsible to the electorate.

He further reiterated his call for punishment for election thieves from the courts of law to prevent politicians from stealing the votes and sacred mandate of the people in the nearest future.

The governor praised the Justices of the Supreme Court for exhibiting the highest level of courage by standing on the side of the truth adding that this has once again demonstrated that the Judiciary is the last hope of the people.

He said the spontaneous outpouring of joy all over Ekiti and beyond is a proof that the Supreme Court gave a judicial seal to the wishes of the electorate and all lovers of rule of law and sanctity of the people’s votes.

Fayemi also paid tributes to the late Deputy Governor, Mrs. Funmilayo Adunni Olayinka, whom he noted gave her all to the service of Ekiti land saying “This victory is dedicated to her and to the good people of Ekiti State who stood with us through thick and thin”.

The governor added that he welcomes advice and constructive criticisms as he moves to consolidate on his development agenda assuring that the state will witness completion of various projects very soon and implementation of new ones .
Fayemi emphasized that Ekiti people remain one irrespective of the judgment calling on all the people of the state irrespective of their political leanings to join hands with his administration in its resolve to the take state to the Promised Land in all sectors.

Extending his hands of fellowship to his political opponents and other stakeholders in the state, Fayemi said the state needs all men and women of goodwill to develop.

“Let me use this opportunity to remind us that as a people, we are one indivisible entity, regardless of our different political persuasions.
Politics will come and go, but EKITI will outlive all of us therefore we have to be mindful of the judgment of history.

“The vision of our founding fathers is to have a state that we can all be proud of and this has been our guiding principle in our policy choices since the inception of this administration.

“We intend to pursue this noble cause with more vigor going forward. As I stated in my inaugural speech on Saturday, October 16, 2010 “Our only choice is to continue on the path of reconciliation and renewal…because this state is bigger than us all”.

“On this note, permit me to extend my hand of fellowship to our brothers on the other side, our state needs all men and women of goodwill and intellect to develop. As a government, we shall be receptive to suggestions and constructive advice from all and sundry who show commitment to the development of our beloved state.

“To the members of our great party the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), let us be magnanimous in victory and as we celebrate we should eschew unnecessary bickering on account of differences in political affiliations and also be mindful of the enormous burden that this victory has further placed on our shoulders”.

Last modified: June 3, 2013

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