Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Ministry of Education

Established in October 1996 following the creation of Ekiti State. The Ministry is saddled with the responsibility of providing affordable, qualitative, functional and sustainable education for enlightenment and enterprise.

The Ministry is divided into Department of;

i. Finance & Accounts
ii. Administration & Supply
iii. Planning, Research & Statistics
iv. Evaluation & Standard
v. Schools (public & private)
vi. Quality Assurance
vii. Schools Sport
viii. Science, Technology & Mathematics
ix. Tertiary Education
x. Examinations & Records
xi. Procurement

The Ministry also has the following Agencies and Departments;

  1. Teaching Service Commission(TSC)
  2. State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB)
  3. Agency for Adult and Non-Formal Education (AANFE)
  4. Board for Technical and Vocational Education (BTVE)
  5. Library Board
  6. Education Trust Fund (ETF)
  7. School Enterprise and Wealth Creation Agency
  8. Scholarship Board


To provide accessible, affordable, qualitative, functional and sustainable education for enlightenment and enterprise using emerging technology.

Our Mission

To ensure quality and functional education through sound policies and implementation, using e-learning, whole school monitoring, provision of conducive environment and regular capacity building of personnel for optimal learning outcomes.

The Structure of the Ministry consists of:
1. The Honourable State Commissioner of Education and Chief Executive Officer.
2. The Permanent Secretary/Accounting Officer.
3. Eleven (11)Directors,

    1. i. Director (Quality Assurance Dept.)
    1. ii. Director (Schools)
    1. iii. Director (Science, Technology & Mathematics)
    1. iv. Director (Planning, Research & Statistics)
    1. v. Director (Evaluation & Standard)
    1. vi. Director (Schools Sports)
    1. vii.Director (Tertiary Education)
    1. viii.Director (Exams & Records)
    1. ix. Director (Admin & Supply)
    1. x. Director (Finance & Accounts)
            xi. Director (Procurement)

Chairman Of Education Parastatals And Agencies


  1. Professor Femi Akinwunmi    SUBEB

(B)  Head of Education Parastatals & Agencies

i.         Mr. Adebiyi Afolabi                         Permanent Secretary (SUBEB)

ii.       Mr. Mike Omolayo                           Permanent Secretary (TSC)

iii.      Mrs. Falade Modupe O.                  Executive Sect. (AANFE)

iv.      Mr. Oguntunji Thomas Biodun     Executive Sect. (BTVE)

v.       Mrs. Bosede Yinka Jegede              Executive Sect. (ETF)

vi.      Mrs. Remi Ajayi                                Executive Sect. (SAEA)

vii.     Mrs. Bukola O. Faluyi                     Scholarship Board

viii.    Mrs. Adeyeye Florence                   Director (Library Board)



a.        Commissioner for Education:      Dr. (Mrs) K. O. O. Aderiye mni

b.        Permanent Secretary:                    Mr. Michael Omolayo

c.        Chairman SUBEB:                          Professor Femi Akinwunmi  



  1. Adeyinka Adebayo               Director Planning Research & Statistics
  2. Ojareche P.E                         Director Quality Assurance
  3. Oni Patrick O                        Director Schools
  4. Fagbuyiro                              Director Exams & Records
  5. Ayeni O.O                             Director Tertiary
  6. Agbeleye Yinka                    Director School Sports
  7. Omotoso Feyisayo              Director Evaluation & Standard
  8. Ogundele O.S                      Director of Admin & Supply
  9. Oluwole Oloworemo          Director of Finance & Accounts
  10. Kolawole E.O                       Director Procurement
  1. Formulation of Education Policies and supervisory role of Departments and Agencies under the Ministry of Education
  2. Quality control of education deliverables through routine and operational inspection of Public and Private Schools in the State
  3. Curriculum implementation in line with Federal Ministry of Education as agreed at National Council on Education (NCE) policy decision meetings
  4. Curriculum Evaluation for use in schools in the state and distribution of essential educational learning materials to Schools and conduct of all examinations
  5. Providing Education management information including data on Annual School Census. Further establishing a foundation for Information Communication and Technology (ICT) driven education with well-equipped e-library services
  6. Standardization and regulation of the registration of Private educational Institutions in the State (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary)
  7. To promote Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Education (STEM) in the 21st century
  8. Monitoring and evaluation of the infrastructure and physical facilities in education institutions in the state
  9. Encouraging skills acquisition through Schools Agriculture and Enterprises for holistic education and catering for school drop outs under the Agency for Adult and Non-Formal Education (AANFE)
  10. Administration and management of School Sports and co-curricular activities in Schools in the State
  11. Implementation of Government’s policies aimed at attracting support and sponsorship from development partners/international donor agencies to assist the development of education
  12. Liaising with Government agencies and partners in implementing State Government’s objectives, of educational development in the State, including Girl-Child education and eradicating Out of School Children phenomenon.
      • a. Facilitating the processes which lead to the provision of scholarships/bursary awards to indigenes of the state
      • b. Liaising and collaborating with Agencies of the Federal Government in establishing educational institutions in the State in all areas of education in the state
      • c. Establishment of additional schools to complement the existing ones in the state as the need arises
      • d. Sustenance of the Public Secondary and Primary Schools systems across the state through prompt payment of running grants.
      • e. Continuous Capacity Building of personnel of Public Schools in the State to improve quality of teaching and learning.

13. Engagement of key educational stakeholders on a regular basis.

14. Facilitate improved enrolment of Schools age children.

  • To implement National Policy on Education;
  • To formulate and implement State Policy on Education;
  • To collect and collate educational data for the purpose of education management ,policy and financing;
  • To prescribe and maintain standardization of education management in the state;
  • To control and monitor the quality of education in the state;
  • To provide regulatory and advisory services to stimulate effectiveness and efficiency by education service providers in the state; and
  • To enhance effective teaching and learning for improved learning outcomes in the state.
  • Responsibility: Being accountable for individual and community’s actions towards oneself, others and the environment
  • Excellence: Striving for the highest personal achievement in all aspects of work and lifelong learning
  • Cooperation: Working together to achieve common goals, providing support to others and engaging in peaceful resolution of conflict
  • Respect: Having regards for oneself, others, lawful and just authority, diversity within our society and accepting the right of others to hold different or opposing view.
  • To groom scholars (teachers /students) for global enterprise.
  • To protect the social rights of students and teachers.
  • To maximize the creative potentials of the individual for self-fulfillment and general development of the society.
  • To inculcate national consciousness and appropriate values for the school age children for effective citizenship.
  • To provide adequate access to qualitative education opportunities for all citizens within and outside formal school system.


1 Dr. (Mrs.) K. O. O. Aderiye Hon. Commissioner for Education
2 Mr. Michael Omolayo Permanent Secretary
3 Professor Femi Akinwunmi Chairman SUBEB
4 Mr. Adebiyi Afolabi Permanent Secretary SUBEB
5 Mr. Michael S. Boluwade Permanent Secretary (TSC)
6 Mrs. Falade Modupe O Executive Secretary (AANFE)
7 Mrs. Oguntunji Thomas Biodun Executive Secretary (BTVE)
8 Mrs. Bosede Yinka Jegede Executive Secretary (ETF)
9 Mrs. Remi Ajayi Executive Secretary (SAEA)
10 Mrs. .Bukola O Faluyi Executive Secretary (Scholarship Board)
11 Mrs Adeyeye Florence Director (Library Board)
1 Dr. Adeyinka Adebayo Director; Planning, Research & Statistics
2 Mr. Ojareche P.E Director, Quality Assurance Department
3 Mr. Oni Patrick O Director, Schools
4 Mr. Fagbuyiro T Director Exams & Records
5 Mr. Ayeni O. O Director, Tertiary Education
6 Mr. Agbeleye Yinka Director School Sports
7 Mrs. Omotoso Feyisayo Director Evaluation & Standard
8 Mr. Ogundele O.S Director of Admin & Supply
9 Mr. Oluwole Oloworemo Director of Finance & Accounts
10 Engr. Kolawole E.O Director Procurement
1 Adeyinka Adebayo Director Planning Research & Statistics
2 Ojareche P. E Director Quality Assurance
3 Oni Patrick O Director Schools
4 Toba Fagbuyiro Director Exams & Records
5 Ayeni O.O Director Tertiary (TSC)
6 Agbeleye Yinka Director School Sports
7 Omotoso Feyisayo Director Evaluation & Standard
8 Ogundele O.S  Director of Admin & Supply
9 Oluwole Oloworemo Director of Finance & Accounts
10 Kolawole E.O Director Procurement
S/N Cognate Agency Male Female Total
1. Ministry of Education 275 336 611
2. Teaching Service Commission 2660 4593 7253
3. State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) 1445 6943 8388
4. Board for Technical & Vocational Education (BTVE) 68 34 102
5. Agency for Adult and Non-Formal Education (AANFE) 26 14 40
6. Scholarship Board 9 9 18
7. School Agriculture and Enterprise Agency (SAEA) 6 12 18
8. Education Trust Fund (ETF) 15 16 31
9. Library Board 10 14 24
  Total 4,514 11,971 16,485


The Adolescent Girls’ Initiative for Learning and Empowerment (AGILE) is a World Bank assisted intervention designed to improve secondary education opportunities among girls in targeted areas.  It is a response to the many challenges and constraints adolescent girls face in accessing and completing secondary education.

The Project is geared towards increasing students’ enrolment, retention, transition and completion of Secondary school as well as providing safe accessible, inclusive and conducive environment for teaching and learning. It creates an enabling environment to help ensure better outcomes for girls, which will translate into their ability to contribute to productivity and better economic outcomes for themselves and the country.

AGILE project uses secondary school as a platform to empower girls through education, health education (e.g., nutrition, reproductive health), GBV awareness and prevention, digital literacy and life skills needed to successfully navigate the different stages of life, in 18 states of the federation: Kano, Kebbi, Kaduna, Katsina, Borno, Plateau and Ekiti. Others are Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe, kogi, kwara, Niger, Nasarawa, Jigawa, Yobe, Sokoto and Zamfara


The operational portfolio details are of three segments:

  • State Project Steering Committee (SPSC) headed by the Honourable State Commissioner, Ministry of Education, Science & Technology as Chairman.
  • State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) that cuts across Officers from 10 MDAs and headed by the Project Coordinator.
  • 203 School Based Management Committee (SBMC) in all the public Secondary Schools in Ekiti State comprising of 17 members.


Component 1: To have safe accessible learning space.

  • Sub-component 1.1: Construction of new learning space (Not applicable to Ekiti).
  • Sub-component 1.2:  Improving existing Infrastructure in Secondary Schools (To improve/renovate the learning environment in existing secondary schools). Objectives are:

(i) accommodate an increase in girls’ enrolment and girls’ transition to secondary schools; and

(ii) make the school environment safe, accessible, inclusive and conducive to                             teaching and learning; and

(iii) improve existing infrastructure in Secondary Schools in the State.

Component 2: To give support to girls’ education through empowerment among families, communities and schools.

    • Sub-component 2.1:Promote social and behavioural change through communication  campaign, engagement with traditional rulers and advocacy.

This component promote a shift in social and cultural norms and perceptions which acts as barriers to girls’ schooling through communication, campaign and advocacy to promote girls’ education and empowerment

    • Sub-component 2.2a: Empowering girls with critical life skills and knowledge to navigate adulthood.  

Life skills is an important area of focus of the AGILE project. It aims to build girls’ capacity and confidence to effectively navigate the transition to adulthood. In addition, elements such as climate change, environmental safety and protection are integrated into the program which provide adolescents with the understanding of current global changes which affect and impact communities.

  • Sub-component 2.2B: Empowering girls on digital training and remote learning platform.

This subcomponent supports basic digital literacy training and establishes a remote learning platform. Digital Literacy programs are to be provided for all girls and boys in the targeted senior secondary schools in Ekiti State, for the next 3 years.

Components 3: Project Management and System Strengthening Component Aimed at Supporting Institutional Capacity Building (Federal and States Level).

  • Sub-component 3.1: Project Management, System Strengthening for Sustainability and Technical Assistance) and
  • Sub-component 3.2: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation

Supports system strengthening for sustainability, technical assistance and                                                 effective coordination of the project’s components.


  • Training of SBMC on School Improvement Plan (SIP) concluded in Public Secondary Schools including Special Schools.
  • Construction of toilets, renovation of blocks of classrooms and procurement of furniture in the 202 Ekiti Secondary Schools under the Small Grants of SIP.  100% Completion status
  • Engagement of Consultant for the supervision of Large Grant implementation in 203 schools.
  • Ongoing Execution (80% Completion status) of the School Improvement Large Grant for the Renovation of dilapidated buildings, procurement of teaching  and learning materials and construction of WASH facilities in the 203 Public  Secondary Schools in Ekiti State.
  • Ongoing implementation of massive renovation in 10 schools (one per Local Government) for  renovation  of  buildings,  construction  of  classrooms,  and  renovation of school halls in schools in Ekiti State
  • Commencement of the second cycle  of  Large  Grants  to  be  executed in 70 schools for the renovation of dilapidated building
  • Sensitization of  Chairmen  and  their  wives  in  the  16  LGAs  and  19  LCDAs  on  AGILE  Project
  • Engagement of Consultant to conduct and carry out research on limiting factors in Girl Child education in Ekiti
  • Flag-off Ceremony of Small School Improvement Grant for 202 Schools in Ekiti State.
  • Engagement with Traditional Rulers and Religious Leaders.
  • Ekiti State  Wife  of  Governor’s  Day  out  with  Principals  and  Teachers  of  Public  Secondary Schools
  • AGILE Project Launch at the State Level.
  • Town Hall Meeting with Stakeholders in 11 Local Governments: Ekiti South West, Ekiti West, and Ido/Osi Irepodun/Ifelodun, Moba, Ise Orun Efon, Ilejemeje, Gbonyin, and  Oye.
  • Engagement of Communication Firm.
  • Flag-off Ceremony of Massive Grant for 203 Schools in Ekiti State
  • Engagement of  Consultant  for  implementation  of  Safe  Space  programme  in  101 Public Senior Secondary Schools
  • Validation of Life Skills Training Manual/curriculum
  • Production and distribution of Safe Space Curriculum to 101 Schools
  • Training of Trainers for Safe Space session.
  • Cascade Training on Safe Space Implementation for Guidance and Counsellors and Mentors in the Local Government.
  • Interactive meeting with Principals in 101 selected Secondary Schools
  • Implementation of Safe Space sessions for adolescent girls in 101 Schools for personal development and empowerment of Ekiti adolescent girls with critical life skills needed  for navigating through adulthood
  • 5 days Capacity building of 94 personnel: Reproductive Health Officer, 16 Ministry of Women Affairs Focal person and 19 LCDAs on adolescent-friendly reproductive health  services and management of GBV
  • Production of Braille Safe Space Curriculum for the Special Schools to ensure social inclusion of adolescent with disabilities.
  • Engagement of Consultant for Digital Literacy Skills training and curriculum development.
  • Training of 194 trainers on Digital Literacy Skills.
  • Training of 200 ICT Teachers on Remote Learning Platform
  • Ongoing training of Students on Digital Literacy in 35 pilot schools.
  • Production and distribution of Digital Literacy Curriculum to schools
  • Procurement and distribution of 910 laptops to 35 selected schools
  • Installation of the internet in 50 selected schools.
  • Procurement and distribution of  external  Hard  Disks,  Smartboards,  Printers,  and  Photocopiers to schools.
  • Ongoing procurement process for Solar inverter (100) and laptops (1690) for additional schools
  • Ongoing procurement process for the installation of internet facilities to 50 additional schools
  • Engagement of M & E Consultant.
  • Establishment of M&E desks at the 19 Area Education Offices (AEOs)
  • Procurement of laptops, desktops, Server and connectivity to strengthen the EMIS
  • units at MOE, and Area Education offices (AEOs)
  • Capacity building and support for Quality Assurance Officers for conduct of “whole school evaluation exercise”
  • Training of SPIU and M & E Officers in the 19 AEOs on M&E framework.
  • Ongoing Collaboration with MOE to conduct 2021/2022 Annual School Census
  • Routine data collection, Monitoring and Evaluation of all Components of the AGILE project
  • Training of  SBMC  members,  school  principals,  Chairmen  and  Students  across  the  3
  • Senatorial Districts in Ekiti State on Environmental/Social Safeguard and GRM & GBV  issues
  • Engagement of Consultant on Environmental Social Management Plan (ESMP)
  • Training of SPIU and SBMC on environmental and social issues
  • Engagement of Technical Assistant on Environmental and Social Safeguards to ensure
  • compliance with the provisions of the ESMP.
  • Disclosure of ESMP document at the Federal Ministry of Environment.
  • Establishment of Environmental Conservative Outreach Club in 30 selected public secondary schools.
  • Training of students on Waste to wealth at a workshop in 30 selected schools.
  • Routine Monitoring of Environmental and Social safeguard activities
  • Ongoing Awareness campaign on effect of climate change and mitigation measure.
  • Ongoing procurement process for the provision of vocational equipment for vocational training, mobility aids to the Persons With Disabilities (PWDs), beddings and  Equipment for the braille  Press to 3 Special Schools (Ikere, Ido and Ikoro).
  • Constitution of Grievance Redress Committees (GRC) in 203 schools in Ekiti State to address concerns and complaints that emanate from the execution of the project.
  • Training of GRM/GBV Focal Persons in 203 schools
  • Distribution of Grievance Redress Manuals, Complaint Registers, Complaint Boxes and Android Phones
  • Engagement of Consultant on Security Risk Assessment and Management Plan
  • Sensitization on GBV/GRM
  • Stakeholders’ Engagement on Security Risk  Assessment  Plan  at  the  Three  (3)  Senatorial Districts 
  • Development of the Security Management Plan ongoing.
  • Production and distribution of GBV policy to 203 schools.
  • Production and distribution of Signposts prohibiting GBV to 203 schools.
  • Interface with GBV management Committee for support of service delivery.
  • Signed MOU with GBV service providers in the State to streamline interventions
  • Distribution of Sanitary Pads to female members of the GBV Club.
  • Ongoing Consultancy for the preparation of Code of Conduct for teachers and non- teaching staff.
  • Conducted GBV  training  for  Male  students  and  Male  teachers  in  101  Safe  Space Schools.
S/N Name Year
1 Pastor Richard Adejuyigbe 1996 – 1998
2 Mr. Festus O Ola 1998 – 1999
3 Mr. Ige I.A 1999 – 2002
4 Mrs. Adenike Adeyemo 2002 – 2003
5 Mr. Olu Adakeja 2003 – 2004
6 Alhaji Y.O Sanni 2004 -2006
7 Mr. D Olu Alade 2006 – 2007
8 Mr. D.A Falope 2007 – 2008
9 Dr. (Mrs.) Modupe Alade 2008 – 2010
10 Mrs. Bimpe Aderiye 2010 – 2011
11 Mr. Akomolafe V.O.A 2011
12 Dr. (Mrs.) E. A Dada 2011 – 2013
13 Mrs. Bimpe Aderiye (mni) 2013 – 2014
14 Mrs. E.A Dada 2014 – 2015
15 Dr. (Mrs.) Adekunbi Obaisi 2015 – 2018
16 Mr. Deji Ajayi 2018 – 2019
17 Mr A. O. Ologuntoye 2019
18 Mr J. A. Owolabi 2019 – 2021
S/N Name Designation Phone No
1 Dr. Mrs Olabimpe Aderiye Hon. Comm. for Education 08033936968
2 Dr. Mrs. Folakemi Olomojobi Permanent Secretary 08033881226

Ekiti State First Lady, Dr Olayemi Oyebanji has commended the Joint
Admission Matriculation Board for equal opportunity giving to special
students saying that such had contributed to promoting diversity,
tolerance and acceptability among the physically challenged.

Dr Oyebanji made the call at a JAMB equal opportunity Group programme
in Ado Ekiti.

The Governor’s wife noted that inclusive education was fundamental to
human right that every child deserved which is crucial for development
of the society.

She appealed to all stakeholders in education sector to continue to
promote ideas that would allow all students to thrive and reach their

The Vice chancellor, Ekiti State University, Professor Edward
Olanipekun represented by his deputy academics, Professor James
Ayodele also urged stakeholders to ensure that every child has access
to education regardless of their physical or mental ability.

“There is need for Governments at various levels to increase the
establishment of schools for the disabled so as to take care of more
special students across Nigeria”. He stressed

A representative of Joint Admission Matriculation Board JAMB,
Professor Rasheed Aderinoye expressed regret that most of the schools
for the blind and other disabilities were privately owned, therefore
most of the special students always lacked opportunity to further
their tertiary education.

Professor Aderinoye noted that this year’s JAMB examinations which has
commenced in eleven centres across the country namely Oyo, Lagos,
Benin, Abuja among others would accommodate three hundred and thirty
six candidates while only twenty would write their exams in Ekiti

The JAMB Representative noted that free accommodations,
transportation, feeding and writing materials had been provided the
for the special students having their exams in Ekiti State University
Ado Ekiti covering the neighbouring states.

He maintained that the arrangements was to ensure that all students
living with disabilities were giving opportunity to acquire tertiary

The event was attended by top government officials, the University
senior lectures among others.



EKSG reiterates its commitment on girl child education

Ekiti State Government has reiterated it’s commitment on girl child
education which has remained a potent tool for social transformation
and sustainable development.

This was made known by the wife of the State Governor Dr Olayemi
Oyebanji, represented by Prof Mary Adedokun at the special
education forum organised by Balm in Gilead Foundation for Sustainable
Development in Ado Ekiti (BIGIF).

Dr Olayemi while presenting a paper on factors limiting girl child
education in Ekiti, stressed the importance of educating both the male
and female children which could not be overemphasized in the

The First lady explained that the State Government is interested in
the education that will be universal, affordable and accessible to the
marginalized groups and physically challenged male and female children
that will produce the best human resource for development purpose.

She echoed that all hands must be on deck to ensure that the goal
of education for all is well achieved.

In her contributions as a Panelist, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of
Education, Science and Technology Dr Folakemi Olomojobi who was
represented by Director Evaluation in the ministry, Mrs Modupe Adebayo
explained that
some girl child have poverty mentality where government has been
assisting the parents in the payment of school fees, WAEC & JAMB fees,
provision of Laptops and textbooks in core subjects.

Another Panelist, the Permanent Secretary Teaching Service Commission
(TESCOM) Mr Michael Omolayo listed some of the factors limiting
education for girl child which included economic factors, parental
background,differential value system placed on education by the
parents, location which are outside the control of the girl child,fear
of insecurity,amongst others.

Mr Omolayo explained that parents are student’s first teachers to
provide home training,hence the need to provide basic needs
(food,clothing and shelter) and learning materials ( where necessary)
to complement government free and compulsory education policy.

He advocated for increase in public enlightenment,volunteer groups,
philanthropists,NGOs and Stakeholders involvement to provide helplines
for indigent and vulnerable children(male and female) for inclusive

He stressed that educating girl child will bring about educated and
prosperous society at large.

The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Women Affairs and Social
Development Mrs Sola Adeluyi who was represented by the Assistant
Director Child department Mr Tolu Ogunniyi, said that Culture,
Stereotype, Predators, early forced marriage are some of the
limitations of a girl child which can be corrected by changing of
beliefs and having enlightenment programmes.

He stressed that government has created vocational centres for women
and survivors for empowerment and also giant stride in the provision
of sanitary pads for girls hygiene.

The Executive Director of Initiative for sound education,
relationship and Health (ISERH) Mr Donald Abayomi who was the last
Panelist emphasized that some girl child have some fake beliefs about
education and are ignorant of the importance of education.

He advised that catching children young goes a long way in molding
them and as well accord the society an ease of life through societal

Earlier in her remarks the Project Coordinator of AGILE Mrs Yewande
Adesua, disclosed that the project would run for five years which is
aimed at safe, condusive learning environment in schools for students.
Also in bringing up children with the skills to navigate through life
and giving the girl child a voice.

In her welcome address the Executive Director BIGIF Mrs Tumininu
Adedeji said that the programme focussed on discussing norms,practices
of a girl child and building a better future for them, accessing
quality education amongst others.
She noted that developing communication strategy in addressing the
challenges highlighted and valuable insight were the key factors.


AGILE Initiative, Weapon Against Teenage Pregnancy, School Dropouts,
Says Ekiti Deputy Gov

The Ekiti State Deputy Governor, Chief (Mrs) Monisade Afuye, has
commended the State Government for partnering the World Bank for the
full implementation of the Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning
and Empowerment (AGILE) to boost girl child’s access to education in
the state.

Mrs Afuye, said the educational programme, codenamed ‘AGILE’, will
help in tackling the noticeable exponential spiraling of teenage
pregnancy, early marriage and school dropouts in Ekiti, regarded as
cankerworms destroying the society and creating gender imbalance.

Mrs Afuye spoke, yesterday in Ado Ekiti, while presenting her goodwill
message during the official launch of AGILE project and distribution
of laptop computers to students by the Ekiti State First Lady, Dr.
Olayemi Oyebanji.

The Deputy Governor, in a statement by her Media Aide, Victor Ogunje,
bemoaned that thousands of girls drop out of schools due to poverty,
saying AGILE would offer veritable opportunity for girls of poor
background to climb the ladder of education without encumbrance.

Mrs Afuye stated that teenage pregnancy and early marriage are two
worrisome plagues militating against the  society, Ekiti inclusive,
saying the adoption of AGILE will reduce the ills and promote gender
balancing in the education sector.

She added that the programme , which includes distribution of laptop
computers to students, will help in catapulting  e-learning concept
to higher pedestal, for Ekiti students to compete with their
counterparts in other climes.

She said; “AGILE is a programme that is coming to change the face of
education in Ekiti. It is regrettable that a lot of girls that are of
school age are not in school due to poverty. Many parents and
guardians cannot afford to pay the school fees of their children, buy
required textbooks, uniforms , footwears, school bags among other
basic needs.

“It is therefore heartwarming to note the intervention of the world
bank to address some of these challenges  through the AGILE programme.
This will go a long way in complementing the free education programme
of the present administration.

“Other challenges confronting our girls are the issues of teenage
pregnancy, and  early marriages. These are part of the reasons why
girls drop out of schools. I therefore appeal to handlers of AGILE to
carry out advocacy programme to create awareness of the negative
effect of unwanted pregnancy among teenagers.

“Our dear state is lucky to be one of the seven states and the only
state in the Southwest geopolitical zone that is participating in
AGILE project. I congratulate my boss, Governor Biodun Oyebanji  on
this achievement. This feat, no doubt, is the fruit of unrelenting
efforts of our progressive governor.

“I am aware that her Excellency, the wife of the governor, Dr.
Olayemi Oyebanji will distribute laptop computers to some famale
students. I urge the students  to utilise the laptops for studies and
learning and not for home theatres or to watch films .

“I am appealing to our parents to monitor and support this programme,
so that it is not turned into another thing. The computers are not to
be used for Internet fraud called yahoo yahoo or for other criminal
practices”, the deputy governor warned.

The Ekiti State First Lady, Dr. Olayemi Oyebanji, said she
particularly took interest in the programme being her primary
constituency as an educationist, saying no education can function
optimally when the primary and secondary cadres are not strengthened

She said the AGILE programme will play complementary role to the free
education policy of the governor and human capital development as part
of the pillars of Governor Oyebanji’s policy thrust.

The First lady disclosed that an aggregate  of 900 laptops will be
distributed to 35 schools  while over 1600 will be distributed to 65
schools within the next two months”.

“You all know that a sum of $25m dollars is to be allocated to Ekiti
to provide laptop computers, renovate schools and provide
instructional materials and empower the students, who are majorly
adolescent girls to keep them comfortably in schools.

“Let me also  warn that the Gender Based Violence Prohibition Law is
still in force in Ekiti and violators of any segment of it will face
the consequences of their actions”.

In his submission, the Chairman, House Committee on Education, Hon.
Bode Johnson Adeoye, pledged the House of Assembly’s readiness to
initiate all the necessary legislation to institutionalise the
programme for sustainability.

“As ally to the executive in the  act of governance, we shall support
this project. Education is the main industry of our dear state, so
promoting girl child education is one priority we should all support.
Women are no longer taking the backseat  in Ekiti. And we know that
AGILE will also help in widening girl child’s access to education”.

Other speakers at the event include: The President , Customary Court
of Appeal, Justice Bosede Abodunde, Special Adviser on Education, Dr.
Olabimpe Aderiye,  Commissioner for Finance, Mr. Akin Oyebode, Oba
Gabriel Ayodele Adejumo, AGILE National and State Coordinators,
students, among others.



…distributes 910 laptops to 35 Pilot Schools

The Ekiti State Government has officially launched the Adolescent
Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowerment, AGILE, project to
enhance adolescent girls education in the state, with the distribution
of 910 laptop computers to 35 pilot secondary schools.

The official launch of the AGILE Project, which took place in Ado
Ekiti, Ekiti State capital, was performed by the wife of the Ekiti
State Governor, Dr. Olayemi Oyebanji.

According to the first lady, the project was aimed at supporting the
efforts of the state government towards enhancing the academic,
digital and life skills of adolescents in the state.

While acknowledging the advocacy and awareness campaign of the project
and her office, she disclosed that not fewer than
100 secondary schools in the state would receive 2,600 laptops and
other intervention projects from the subsequent distributions that
will follow the official launch.

“I want to reiterate that AGILE Project is designed to respond to the
challenges that constrained Adolescent girls in completing secondary
education” She said.

Earlier, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Education Science and
Technology in Ekiti State, Dr. Mrs Kofoworola Aderiye, while welcoming
participants at the event appreciated the Biodun Oyebanji-led
Administration for it’s interest in prioritizing education in Ekiti
State, especially girl child education.

According to the Special Adviser,AGILE project is committed to
enrollment, retention and completion of Secondary school education
among both Adolescent girls and boys

In her address, the Deputy National Project Coordinator, AGILE, Mrs
Agbanigo Abuka lauded Ekiti State Government for being the first to
launch the programme at the state level in the country.

“Ekiti State has taken the lead for being the first at the state level
to launch the programme.
Ekiti State has made giant strides towards the project. I commend the
government and people of Ekiti State for the support given to AGILE
Project and I wish the state huge success” Agbanigo said.

She therefore urged all relevant stakeholders to support the project
and ensure that it gets to intended beneficiaries who are in dire need
of the intervention.

The Project Coordinator of AGILE in Ekiti State , Mrs Yewande Adesua
in her speech highlighted the achievements of AGILE in public
secondary schools in Ekiti State, to include the renovation of
dilapidated classrooms for conducive learning environment,
establishment of Anti GBV clubs in public secondary schools, Digital
literacy and skills safe spaces for adolescents among others.

There were also goodwill messages from stakeholders including the
deputy governor, Chief Mrs Christianah Afuye.


EKSG sets to embark on talents hunt in schools’ sports.

In the fulfillment of his electioneering promises, the Biodun Oyebanji
led government has reiterated it’s commitment to sports development by
exploring sporting activities in secondary schools as an avenue to
discover future stars.

This was made known by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology, Dr. Mrs Folakemi Olomojobi at the State finals
of the 23rd nestle Milo basketball competition in Ado Ekiti.

The Permanent Secretary who was represented by the Director of Schools
in the ministry, Mr Yinka Agbeleye expressed delight that the
competition which started three weeks ago has enabled government to
discover some talented students in secondary schools that would
represent Ekiti State in the Western conference edition coming up on
30th May this year in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

The PS appreciated the state government for its interest in the
schools sports, noting that the approval and financial assistance
enjoyed from the government has helped in no small measure in
discovering the talents exhibited by the students during the 3-week

Dr Folakemi Olomojobi who also echoed on the need for students to take
their studies seriously, said that talents in sports would only go far
with the support of education which they should see as primary
assignment and main reason they are in school.

Also speaking, the Head Coach of the state basketball team, Mr Adetayo
Awojurin expressed his gratitude to God and the management of Ekiti
State Ministry of Education for the support enjoyed by according them
the enabling environment to participate in the competition.

He reiterated that Ekiti state teams performed well in the 22nd
edition last year and believed that the state teams would surpass
their last year performance with adequate preparation from the
coaching crew and the players.

The most valuable player in the female category, Miss Inalegwu Olekwu
Miracle from Ado Grammar School expressed her gratitude to the
organizers of the competition and the state government for deeming it
fit to build their intellectual mind and harness their talents towards
the direction of what appealed to them.

She said the government at the national and state levels should
encourage more talents in the areas of sports development in order for
them to measure up with their counterparts globally.

The Coach of Ado Grammar School team, Mr Ademilegun Kayode and his
counterpart from Christ school, Mrs Ibrahim Motunrayo expressed their
delight over the victory recorded by their teams and opined that the
two teams that would represent Ekiti state would bring pride to the
State during the national competition.

The female category ended with 27 to 24 points in favor of Ado Grammar
School while Christ School triumphed over Ado Grammar School to win in
the male category.


EKSG to prioritize skill acquisition in digital technology across the State.

Ekiti State Government has reaffirmed the commitment of Biodun
Oyebanji led administration to investing in skill acquisition in
digital technology for economic development of the State.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and
TechnologyDr, Mrs Folakemi Olomojobi, who was represented by the
Director, Evaluation and Standard Department of the ministry, Mrs
Modupe Adebayo affirmed this at the induction ceremony for the
training of secondary school teachers in HTML and software engineering
by Jaytee Ojo foundation in Ado-Ekiti.

The Permanent Secretary expressed that the skill acquisition program
was aimed at equipping the teachers with basic and functional literacy
education in digital technology to avail them the opportunity to be
productive, self-reliant and contribute meaningfully for the training
of students in their various schools.

with the aim of catching them young and to make Ekiti State another
hub of digital technology in Nigeria.

Olomojobi, who said further that the programme was intended at
catching the students young and make the state another digital
technological hub in the country.

She charged the teachers to make use of the skills they would acquire
during the training to better their lives and the students they would
later train at their different schools.

In his own response, the founder Otunba Taiwo Olayisade Ojo who spoke
through the foundation’s ICT Product Manager, Mr Babatunde Dahunsi
appreciated the willingness of the teachers to acquire skills
especially in the digital technology world

Otunba Ojo also expressed his gratitude to Ekiti State government
under the leadership of Governor Biodun Oyebanji for the support and
prompt interest in the area of human capital development, as he said,
the foundation was prepared to train people in Ekiti that can stand
tall in the midst of their contemporaries from any part of the world
in the field of digital technology.

He said the two weeks training was aimed at training twenty secondary
school teachers in six different schools in Ekiti with the aim that
the teachers would go back to their different schools to start up an
ICT club and as well prepare the students for their participation in
the programing core that would be organized later this year.

“This programing core by the special grace of God,all the schools that
are represented here by their teachers would partake and whosoever
wins, the foundation would support the school with ICT solar power
supply equipment among other incentives “. He said.

He reiterated that the best two teachers at the end of the ongoing
training would be rewarded handsomely and also the schools they

One of the benefiting teachers, Mrs Mojisade Olorunfemi from Harding
Model College Ado Ekiti expressed her profound gratitude to the
organizer of the training and for deeming it fit to build their
intellectual minds in the area of digital technology and promised the
state government that wonderful feedback would be delivered and the
aim of the training would not be defeated.

The six schools that benefited from the training are; Ado Grammar
School, Ado Ekiti, Harding Model College, Ado Ekiti, Government
College Ado Ekiti, Government Science College, Iyin Ekiti, Eso Obe
Comprehensive High School,Ikoro Ekiti and Doherty Memorial Grammar
School, Ijero Ekiti.


Ekiti State records another feet as Ekiti student becomes new junior
mathematics champion

Ekiti state government has reiterated it’s commitment to rewarding
brilliance and excellence among students in public and private schools
in Ekiti State.

This was made known by the Special Adviser to the Governor on
Education Science and Technology, Dr Kofoworola Aderiye at the
presentation of awards and cash gift to a student of Federal Science
and Technology College, Usi Ekiti, Miss Olayemi Tina Morenikeji in Ado

Dr Kofoworola Aderiye who was represented by the Director, Science,
Technology and Mathematics, Mr. Ayo Ileola appreciated Ekiti State
governor for his interest in rewarding brilliance in the school
children, especially girl child.

She charged students to be more committed to their studies and also
lauded teachers to give in their best in training their students as it
was the case of the mathematics teacher that trained the champ.

“This is another feet by this present government and Ekiti State in
general. Mr Fatunla Oladimeji is a good example of what a teacher
represents, see these children as yours and bring out the best in them
and be sure that your impact will be mentioned and your name also be
written in gold.”, the Commissioner explained.

Earlier, the Principal of the school, represented by the Vice
Principal, Academics, Mrs Margaret Aluko appreciated God for the
performance recorded by a student of Federal Science Technical College
and prayed that the relationship between the the federal and state
government remain cordial.

The award winning student, Miss Olayemi Tina Morenikeji who could not
hide her joy appreciated the state government for the opportunity to
represent the state in such a keenly contested national competition.

Olayemi who participated in mathematics competition at the
inter-schoosl to state levels of the contest and came first,
represented Ekiti State in the mathematics competition organized by
the National Mathematical Center, Abuja and came second nationwide.

The new junior mathematics champion from Ado Ekiti admonished her
mates and peers to study hard and develop special interest in the
subject as step towards excellence.

Olayemi was presented with two giant plague, certificate, and cash
gift. The event was attended by the parents of the girl, top
government functionaries and relatives.


Egbeoba High School Alumni association delivers toilet facility to EKSG.

Ekiti State government has again reiterated it’s readiness to provide
conducive learning environment for Ekiti students to acquire

The Special Adviser to the Governor on Education Science and
Technology, Dr Kofoworola Aderiye represented by the Permanent
Secretary of the Ministry, Dr Folakemi Olomojobi gave this assurance
while commissioning a toilet facility constructed by 1979/80 set of
Egbeoba High School, Ikole Ekiti.

She commended the set for considering the request of the principal
whom she described as being strategic in his request of toilet

The SA urged the school management to encourage users of the hygienic
use of the  facility and reminded the stakeholders to always see the
project of government as their own, hence the need for adequate

In his welcome address, the Principal of the school, Mr Albert
Adegbite appreciated the 1979/80 set for bringing succour to the
school that has been challenged with lack of toilet facility.

He described the facility as a world class project and assured the
donors of proper maintenance.

While welcoming the guests to the occasion, the Senior Prefect of
1979/80 set, Engineer Ebenezer Abegunde said the construction of the
8- room toilet facility with guaranteed water supply was aimed at
combating challenges associated with open defecation to galvanize
healthy and enabling environment for both staff and students of the

Also speaking, the Chairman Central Working Committee of the set,
Pastor Kayode Oladipupo appealed to Ekiti State government to accord
Egbeoba High School with infrastructure as well as modern teaching
aids including ICT library, language laboratory, as well as a
well-equiped science laboratory.

There were goodwill messages from the Chairman, Ikole Local
Government, Prince Sola Olominu, PS Teaching Service Commission, Mr
Michael Omolayo, PTA Chairman of the school, Alhaji Dauda Ajewole and
the representative of the students, Master Ojo Benjamin.


EKSG commissions First Cricket Training Net in Ekiti State.

Ekiti State Governor, Mr Biodun Oyebanji has reaffirmed his resolve to
support any venture targeted at Youth Development and wealth Creation,
which is one of the six pillars of his administration.

The Governor made this known while commissioning the cricket training
net at Ilejemeje Community High School, Iye-Ekiti on Wednesday.

The Governor who was represented by the Permanent Secretary Ministry
of Education, Science and Technology Dr. Mrs Folakemi Olomojobi,
expressed his delight on the achievements of such great feat in the
history of Ekiti State.

The Governor commended the philanthropic gesture of the South-West
Zonal Representative, Nigerian Cricket Federation Mr Tayo Atoloye for
contributing his quota towards the development of cricket sport in
Ekiti State.

Governor Oyebanji urged the indigenes of Iye-Ekiti and the entire
Ekiti citizenry both at home and in the diaspora to emulate same
gesture of giving back to the society.

In his remarks, the Director Schools’ Sports, Ministry of Education
Science and Technology, Mr Yinka Agbeleye expressed that the feat was
a clear demonstration of collaborative public private partnership, a
laudable initiative to compliment the untiring efforts of Ekiti State
Government under the leadership of Mr Biodun Oyebanji at providing
sporting equipment and other necessary resources for the use of
students in the public primary and secondary schools across the state.

In his reaction, the Kabiyesi Oniye of Iye-Ekiti Oba Adeleye Jonathan
applauded Governor Biodun Oyebanji for the great works he is doing
towards making Ekiti State a cynosure of all eyes.

Oba Jonathan appreciated the facilitator and financier of the gigantic
project, praying God to reward him accordingly.

Oniye solicited government support for more sporting equipment,
increased sporting activities, perimeter fencing of the school,
befitting school hall, more teaching and non-teaching staffs.

Earlier in his speech, the Principal, Ilejemeje Community High School
Iye-Ekiti, Mr. Olumide Owotuyi appreciated the Biodun Oyebanji led
administration for his efforts towards moving the education sector to
greater heights.

He applauded the donor of the cricket training net who has deemed it
fit to construct such laudable project for the benefit of the school
and Ekiti at large.

In his remarks, the school’s games master Mr. Anifaloba Isaac
expressed his gratitude to the donor of the facility and promised to
ensure its judicious use for skills, physical and mental development
of the students.

He pointed out that, with the facility, the school can now host
schools’cricket competition, urging the state government to provide
the school with training equipment to replace the improvised ones
currently in use by the school to enhance better performance of the

Worthy of note was the presentation of awards to two distinguished
students of the school, Miss Olayinka Ekundayo and Master Oladosu
Nifemi that have won different laurels for the school and Ekiti State
in cricket competition.

The occasion was graced by personalities from different parts of the
country which included Prince Fola Fakunle, member Ekiti State Cricket
Association, Mr. Abiola Cardoso, South-West Regional Development
Manager Nigerian Cricket Federation among others.


SS ll Unified Examination Aims to Fortify Students for External Exams. -Aderiye

Ekiti State Government Coordinated Unified Promotion Examinations for
Senior Secondary class 2 (SS2) in all the public and private schools
in the state for 2022/23 academic session has been
described as a training ground to fortify students going to the
certificate class in their preparation for external examinations.

The Special Adviser to the Governor on Education, Science and
Technology, Dr Kofoworola Aderiye stated this in Ado Grammar School,
Ado Ekiti at the monitoring exercise of some public and private
secondary schools in the state capital.

Aderiye, who explained that unified examination was also designed to
produce the best candidates to sit for school certificate examinations
that would be paid for by Ekiti State government, commended the
organizers for a hitch free, seamless and standard examination.

She commended the candidates for comporting themselves in a civil
manner, urging them to put in their best in order to be promoted to
the next class with an assurance that the results will be out shortly
and only the successful candidates will eventually be promoted.

Responding, the Principal of Ado Grammar School, Ado Ekiti, Mrs
Adenike Ademiluyi appreciated the Governor for prioritizing education
and sustaining the free unified and Senior Secondary Certificate
Examinations (SSCE) in all the public schools across the state.

She expressed confidence that the purpose for the examination would be
achieved with the conduct of the candidates and the huge investment of
government on the students through the Ministry of Education Science
and Technology.

The 2022/2023 Ekiti State unified examination started on Monday 18th
July 2023 throughout the 203 secondary schools in Ekiti State and will
end on Monday 24th July,2023.



The Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowerment (AGILE)
has flagged off massive renovation of public secondary schools in
Ekiti state.

The ceremony which was held at Sanni Abacha hall of Old Governor’s
office, Ado Ekiti on Thursday, had in attendance members of the School
Based Management Committees SBMC, State Steering Committee of AGILE,
representatives of  benefiting schools and traditional rulers among

The Wife of Ekiti State Governor, Dr Olayemi Oyebanji, while flagging
the project off,  explained that under the World Bank sponsored
project, adolescent girls have benefited from the small grants, where
over 200 public secondary schools were renovated in the State.

She advised the management of the benefiting schools on the importance
of making judicious use of the money allotted to their schools, under
the current massive renovation , where each school has received about
Ninety million naira.

The Special Adviser to the Governor on Education, Dr Kofoworola
Aderiye, remarked that the programme would remind residents of the
state on the importance of education and to create awareness on what
the present administration led by Governor Biodun Oyebanji is doing to
create conducive learning environment for students.

Also, the Chairman, Ekiti State House Committee on Education, Hon.
Awoniyi Adeyemi noted that the state benefited from AGILE projects due
to performances of the state in education sector and commended those
in charge of the project for giving room for even distributions of the
project across public schools in the state.

In his contribution, the Chairman of Association of Local Government
of Nigeria ( ALGON) in Ekiti State, Hon. Bode Adetunji and Chairman of
the Nigeria Union of Teachers, Mr Oke Emmanuel said Ekiti State was
chosen due to existing relative peace and cooperation of major actors
and stakeholders in the education sector.

They stated that AGILE projects have really changed the face of
education in the state through rehabilitation of class rooms and
provision of instructional materials

The Project Coordinator of AGILE in Ekiti State, Mrs Yewande Adesua,
in her remarks highlighted the various components and sub components
of AGILE project in the State.

Adesua who emphasized that Ekiti was the only benefiting state from
the Southern part of the country, called on all stakeholders to ensure
that the AGILE grants are judiciously spent

Earlier, the Chairman of Ekiti State Council of Traditional Rulers and
the Onisan of Isan Ekiti, Oba Gabriel Ayodele Adejuwon  promised that
traditional council  would monitor and take ownership of the projects
in their respective domain to ensure early completion and standard



Over 900 million naira has been disbursed to 10 secondary schools
selected randomly across Ekiti state for massive renovation of
structures through the World Bank Sponsored Adolescent Girls’
Initiative for Learning and Empowerment Project(AGILE).

While flagging off the project in Ado-Ekiti, the Wife of Ekiti State
Governor, Dr Olayemi Oyebanji charged all stakeholders to ensure
sustainability of the programme and remain committed to its success.

She encouraged the benefiting schools and the contractors handling the
renovations to use the money judiciously as well as ensure quality job
in oder to achieve the aim of the project, which bordered on conducive
learning environment for students.

In her remarks, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Education,
Science and Technology, Dr Adebimpe Aderiye, noted that the programme
would continually remind the stakeholders of the importance of
education saying that the project would be an impetus to the growth
and development of education sector.

She called on members of the School Based Management Committee, SBMC,
to continue to educate the people on the importance of all projects
under AGILE, pointing out that that out of 16 schools selected for the
Programme, 10 were approved for the first phase.

In their goodwill messages, the Chairman House Committee on Education,
Hon. Jacob Awoniyi, Chairman, Council of Traditional Rulers, Onisan of
Isan-Ekiti, Oba Ayodele Adejuwon, Chairman of Association of Local
Government of Nigeria, ALGON, Hon Bode Adetunji commended stakeholders
for ensuring adequate development of the sector.

They attributed success recorded so far to the political will of the
present administration, urging stakeholders to put in their best to
implementation of AGILE projects in all the local governments across
the State.

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