Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Ministry of Housing & Urban Development


The re-organization of this Ministry by the incumbent Dr. John Kayode Fayemi’s regime in August, 2020 now christened the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development marked another landmark in the evolutionary trending the Housing and Urban Development sector in Ekiti State.  Down the Memory Lane, particularly after the State’s creation on 1st October, 1996, transitioned experiences can be highlighted as follows: –

  1. Marking the beginning of what is now series of metamorphic development was the bifurcation and the naming as full-fledged “Ministry of Lands and Housing” from the erstwhile Ministry of Works, Transport, Lands and Housing in June 1999.
  2. The Ministry of Lands and Housing reverted to the status of a department being supervised by the office of the Executive Governor in a major restructuring of Government establishments during Mr. Ayo Fayose’s first incumbency as governor in 2003.
  3. Ministry of Lands, Housing and Environment came into being by the merger of the erstwhile Ministry of Lands and Housing and Ministry of Environment in June, 2007 by the then governor, Engr. Segun Oni.
  4. Ministry of Lands, Housing and Environment was again de-merged to give rise to the Ministry of Lands, Urban and Regional Planning in October, 2009 by Engr. Segun Oni.
  5. In December, 2010 the Ministry was re-christened Ministry of Physical, Urban and Regional Planning after the inception of Dr. Kayode Fayemi’s Administration.
  6. However in June, 2011, the Bureau of Lands was approved but to temporarily remain for some time under the supervisionof the Ministry. The Planning Permit was also approved as one of the functional departments in the Ministry.
  7. On 2nd April 2013, the Ministry transited to the Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development while the Bureau of Lands was transferred for direct supervision by the Office of the Governor. The hitherto Planning Permit Department was also upgraded to the status of an Agency with a General Manager under the supervision of the Ministry.
  8. The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development evolved with the reverting of the Bureau of Lands with Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development on 24th October, 2014 on the second advent of Dr. Ayodele Fayose’s administration.
  9. The current status as Ministry of Housing and Urban Development came into being with the last re-organization in the service when the Bureau of Lands Services was again de-merged in August 2020 by the incumbent administration of Dr. John Kayode Fayemi.


The Standard of Service Charter articulates the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development’s (the Ministry) commitment to the service delivery standard in Ekiti State.

Our Purpose

To create an ambient and conducive environment for every inhabitant in every part of the State.

Our Clients

The Ministry provides services to the Ekiti State Government, the people of Ekiti State and Investors by formulating, implementing and ensuring compliance with Government physical development policies aimed at establishing optimum communities that will improve the lives of citizens and attract investors. The Ministry has various client groups ranging from individual developers, firms, government institutions among others.

Our Services/Objectives

The Ministry has a diverse range of services, these include:

  • Monitoring and control of all physical development activities in the State
  • Formulation and Implementation of Housing policies and programme of the State Government
  • Design of government Site and Services Schemes
  • Preparation of Land-Use Plans and Master Plan Policy
  • Design and implementation of Urban Renewal Programmes.
  • Issuance/approvals of all physical development applications in the State (Including Power, Gas and Telecommunication Installation)
  • Issuance/approvals of all private development schemes application in the State (Layout Plans)
  • Generation of Revenue to the State IGR from the activities of the Ministry

Our Service Standard

The Ministry will:

  • treat people with impartiality, respect, fairness and accord them utmost integrity
  • perform to a high ethical and professional standard
  • seek to have a clear understanding of and meeting the services required by individual clients
  • take proper and unbias decisions based on laid down laws and regulations guiding the activities of the Ministry
  • provide professional advice and decisions that are relevant and clearly explained to all clients
  • provide equitable access to services for residents of the state as well as non-residents for developmental projects


The aim of the Ministry is to provide efficient and effective physical development planning and control services at all times. However, if your expectations are not met and you would like to ask questions, complain or make suggestions about our services, kindly contact us with the details provided below.

Office of the Permanent Secretary,

Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Phase V, State Secretariat Complex, Ado Ekiti.


Rational use of the geographical space of the State in a symbiotic manner and ensuring that our today’s development does not jeopardize future holistic development and conservation.


Formulation and implementation of and ensuring compliance with government physical development policies aimed at establishing optimum communities that will improve citizen’s lives and attract investors. aimed at facilitating further transactions on Land/landed properties.

  1. Highlight of the functions of the newly constituted Ministry include among others:-
    1. Preparation of Housing policy guidelines for the state housing delivery programs.
    2. Selection of site for government site and services scheme.
    • Responsibilities for towns and country planning:
    • Preparation of government layouts
    • Preparation of master-plans
    • Preparation of land use plans
    • Approval of private layouts
    • Approval of Building plans
    1. Physical development control activities.
    2. Design and implementation of urban renewal programs.
    3. Control and monitoring of Telecommunication Infrastructural development.
    • Facilitating the availability of dwelling houses, through collaboration with private investors, other arms of government and multi-nationals e.g. UNOPs etc.
Name Designation
Hon. Commissioner
Barr. Ayodeji Ajiboye Permanent Secretary
Mrs. Funke Falodun Special Adviser/Director General, Lands and Urban Development
Mr Falodun Williams Director Administration and Supplies
Mrs Sanni B. F. Director for Finance and Accounts
Mr. Bamisaiye E.O Director, Planning, Research and Statistics
HRM Tpl. Ajayi M. O. Director, Physical Planning and Development Matters
Tpl. Abu B. T. Director Planning Permit
Tpl. Femi Bamisaiye Director Master and Regional Planning
Tpl. (Mrs) Olaleye V.T.O. Director Development Control
Surv. Ibidunmoye S. O. Surveyor-General
Barr. Tunde Olaoye Williams GM, Housing Corporation
Mrs. Ayeni A. O. PAS
Mrs. Afolayan M. A. Chief Internal Auditor
Mr Festus Abosede Asst. Director Information
Mr Fatoba Olumide GM, Urban Renewal Agency

Commissioner2020- 2022

Name Designation Period
Mr. Segun Akinwumi Commissioner June, 1999 – April, 2002
Chief Olu Omole Commissioner April, 2002 – May, 2003
Rot. Albert Oluremi Ajewole Special Adviser June, 2003 – Oct., 2007
Alh. (Barr.) Oladoro-Yakubu Sanni Commissioner Oct., 2007 – Oct, 2009
Hon. Kayode Babade Commissioner Oct., 2009 – Oct., 2010
Surv. Kayode Olaosebikan Commissioner Aug., 2010 – Dec., 2011
Hon. (Arch.)  Ebunlomo Awoyemo Commissioner Dec. 2011-2013
Elder Remi Olorunleke Special Adviser 2013- 2014
Hon. Taelolu Otitoju Commissioner 2014- 2018
Hon. Adewale Febisola Commissioner 2018- 2020
Chief Oladiran Adesua Commissioner 2020- 2022
Mr. Ipinlaye Oluyemi Permanent Secretary Aug., 1999 – April, 2002
Mrs. Adeyemo Adenike Permanent Secretary April, 2000 – March, 2003
Elder Bankole Segun O. Permanent Secretary March, 2003 – Aug., 2003
Elder Fameewo E.F. (JP, mni) Permanent Secretary Aug., 2003 – Dec., 2003
Mr. Akomolafe V.O.A. Permanent Secretary Jan., 2004 – June, 2007
Dr. Ayo S.O Permanent Secretary June 2007
Mr. Adewale A. Bello Permanent Secretary June, 2007 – Jan., 2009
Mr. Amujo Philips Permanent Secretary Feb., 2009 – Feb., 2010
Pastor Famubode Ropo Permanent Secretary 2010 – Jan., 2011
Mr. Abegunde Emmanuel Olakunle Permanent Secretary Jan., 2011 – Dec., 2012
Mr. Ajayi Oluwafemi B.O. Permanent Secretary Feb., 2013 – Aug, 2014
Mrs. Falodun Funke Abiodun Permanent Secretary Aug., 2014 – July, 2015
Mr. Ibitoye Adeyiola Michael Permanent Secretary Aug., 2015 – Nov., 2018
Barr. Fasiku Ademiloye Ojo Permanent Secretary Feb., 2019 – July, 2019
Barr. Arowosola Emmanuel Bamidele Permanent Secretary Feb., 2019 – July, 2019
Mrs. Adeyemo Foluke Ibironke Permanent Secretary July, 2019 – Oct, 2020

The Ministry is predominantly a service oriented, professional outfit.  Its service networks extended over and across all the Local Government Authorities in the State through its area offices. The main Ministry comprises of:-

Operational Departments

  • Physical Planning &Development Matters Department
  • Planning Permit Department
  • Master and Regional Planning Department
  • Development Control Department

Service Departments

  • Administration and Supplies Department
  • Finance and Account Department
  • Planning, Research and Statistics



Personnel Division

All personnel matters including:

  1. Appointments
  2. Posting
  • Deployment
  1. Promotion and Advancement
  2. Training
  3. Petitions
  • Discipline
  • Annual leave
  1. Processing of registration, withdrawal, retirement and death benefits
  2. Preparation of Personnel Estimates
  3. Any other duty that may be assigned

Administration Division

  1. Coverage of meetings
  2. General correspondence (memo etc)
  • Board of Survey and Enquiries
  1. Security Matters
  2. Maintenance of Government Physical Assets including Vehicles office equipment, Building, furniture and fittings Utility service –Electricity, Telephone and Water supplies
  3. Accommodation
  • Sanitation
  • Any other duty that may be assigned

Supplies Division

  1. General Procurement
  2. Supervision of the Stores
  • Utility Services – Electricity, Telephone, Water
  1. Rendering of the appropriate returns/reports
  2. Any other duty that may be assigned



  1. Collation and rendition of Revenue returns
  2. Maintenance and control of Revenue Records
  • Rendition of monthly Revenue Statements of the Ministry.
  1. Processing of approvals for release of funds
  2. Attending to relevant financial matters
  3. Interpretation of financial circulars
  • Serves as secretariat to Cash Allocation Committee meeting in the Ministry/Department/Agency


  1. Preparation of other charges estimates
  2. Budgetary control


  1. Preparation of Annual Appropriation Account
  2. Control and Supervision of the functions in finance and accounts
  • Preparation of salaries and wages
  1. Overheads and Capital payment
  2. Control and Maintenance of accounting records, books of accounts and book of assets
  3. Any other duty that may be assigned.


The Department of Planning, Statistics and Information Resources Department is a servicing arm of the Ministry.  It is involved in feasibility studies, project appraisal, planning, data collation and processing, research and monitoring of capital projects being handled by the Ministry.


The department handles routine activities which include the following:

  1. Coordination of the preparation of development plans (perspective, rolling budget and work-plan) in the Ministry.
  2. Monitoring, evaluation and review of plan implementation and programming.
  • Coordination of the preparation of establishment proposal and draft estimates.
  1. Secretariat of the Ministerial Tender Board and participation in the preparation of contract documents on capital projects being executed by the Ministry.
  2. Coordination of National Housing Policy monitoring and implementation council activities and participation in the National Council of Housing and trade fair activities.
  3. Monitoring and rendering of reports on all capital projects financed through external aids e.g. UNDP, etc being handled directly by the Ministry or other governmental agencies under the auspices of this Ministry.
  • Collation, data processing and rendition of monthly and periodic reports on the activities of the Ministry to appropriate governmental agencies

Further to the fore-goings the following activities are also enshrined in the statutory roles performed by the department:

Liaison Services

The Planning Research and Statistics Department is the information (data) centre of the Ministry.  The department therefore liaises with other Government agencies in respect of data rendition to:

  1. Office of the Governor
  2. State Ministry of Budget and Planning
  • Central Bank of Nigeria
  1. State’s office of Policy, Transformation & Strategy

Records and Information Resources

The department is responsible for the management of the Ministry’s records and information resources.  The establishment and maintenance of the Ministry’s Library, computer centre, preparation and keeping of briefs, handing over notes and other important documents and publications are part of the responsibilities of the department.


  1. To enforce provision of an approved building plan.
  2. To issue and serve contravention, stop-work, demolition notices, removal notice etc., on the owner of a private residential, commercial, individuals, public and other developments without appropriate approval and implementation of the provisions of the approval.
  • To enforce notice of commencement of building operations.
  1. To issue notice/certificate of completion of physical development.
  2. To demolish defective, unapproved, unsightly, dilapidated and other structures likely to cause nuisance.
  3. To preserve historic and monumental buildings.
  • To direct developer to alter, vary or discontinue a development.
  • To enforce an order of a panel, tribunal of High Court against a developer who fails to comply with such order.
  1. To recover the cost of expenses reasonable incurred by the department in enforcing the provisions of Law.
  2. To enforce set-backs on major and local roads.
  3. To enforce all the conditions, rights and duties attached to development permit or approval
  • To enforce density and height regulations.
  • To open up obstructed roads, footpaths and other accesses for public use.
  • To be in charge of litigation in respect of court cases, tribunals and panels.
  1. Processing of Land Use Clearance applications for major projects in the State.
  • Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A) for government and Quasi-Government Agencies.
  • Registration of Town Planning Consultants.
  • Issuance of circular letters to reflect current changes in planning principles and their applications.
  • Collaboration with Agencies supervised by the ministry i.e SEPA, CUDA, Waste Management Board, Signage Agency, Housing Corporation etc.
  1. Initiation, formulation, monitoring and implementation of physical planning projects and also collaborates with other government agencies on physical planning matters.
  • Design of development plans/layouts for Government estates
  • Clearance of all private layout design across the state.
  • Monitoring the implementation of all approved development plans/layout.
  • Handling matters relating to the preparation and implementation of Master Plan, regional Plan and Land-Use Plans.


The numerous functions of the department as spelt out in the Ekiti State of Nigeria Official Gazette No 3 Vol. 15 dated 15th August, 2011,Part II Section (a to s) as follows:

  1. Processing and issuance of planning permits in the state, subject to the provisions of this law and Regulations pursuant to this Law;
  2. Monitoring and ensuring compliance with provision of approved and Operative Development Plans, Approval orders and regulations made under this Law;
  3. Regulating and monitoring of the laying of cables and erection of masts by Telecommunication Service Providers
  4. Enforcing the payment of all chargable fees by Service providers
  5. Preparation and periodic review of the following categories of physical Development plans
  6. District Plans;
  7. Development guide plan;
  • Town plans; and
  1. Local plans.
  2. Referring any plan prepared by it to the Ministry for the purpose of obtaining the approval of the Commissioner;
  3. Keeping records of Planning Permit, Applications granted, rejected or withdrawn and publication of the list in the State Official Gazette;
  4. Evaluation of physical planning technical report in consultation with the Ministry;
  5. Preparation and review of physical planning regulation in consultation with the Ministry;
  6. Engaging in planning activities to achieve zero tolerance of illegal development;
  7. Engaging in stakeholder consultations, enlightenment and publicity;
  8. Operational control and supervision of its Local Planning Permit and Building Control Agency;
  9. Enforcement of building control regulations;
  10. Regulation and inspection of building works and certification of various stages of building construction and keeping of such records;
  11. Removal of illegal and Non-conforming buildings;
  12. Identification and removal of distressed buildings to prevent collapses
  13. Issuance of certification of completion and fitness for habitation;
  14. Provision of building services such as material hesitation evacuation and testing fire and public health control;
  15. Exercise other powers as may be conferred on it by Regulations made pursuant to this Law.



  1. Site selection for project developments including sites for social and physical infrastructures e.g. schools, hospitals, public housing, fire service station, markets and recreation centres etc
  2. Preparation of Government layout plans on Government Estates, Model City Plans and plans of major activity centres.
  3. Initiation of schemes, site and services programmes and sub-division layouts in all urban centres.
  4. Processing of Land Use clearances application for approval.
  5. Processing and approval of layout in the state.
  6. Implementation of the provisions of the Government and private layouts.
  7. Initiation and review of Master Plans, Land use plan and Regional plans in the state.
  8. Intervention studies on selected Urban and Physical Planning crises e.g Traffic and Transportation, Terminal and inter-section problems, urban blights and derelict areas.

Collaboration with donor agencies such as UNDP, ADB, DFID, Habitat II, MDG e.t.c.


    This government is stepping up its development control activities in view of widespread illegal and unprovable physical developments across the State. The main objective is to pro-actively checkmate and forestall preventable threats to lives and properties through flooding and curb the generation of slums especially in the urban centers. This is also expected to boost the internally revenue generation efforts of the State Government. Hence, an inter-ministerial task force has been inaugurated and mobilized in this regard.

    1. SITE SELECTION: – Location sites were selected for a number of developmental projects (educational, agricultural and commercial) such as the four proposed Secondary Schools within Ado Ekiti territory, expansion of Ikun Dairy farm, etc.

    Issue of Olorunda/Olorunsogo Community Encroachment on EKSU Land: The long-jam on the encroachment of Ekiti State University land by the developers in the Olorunda/Olorunsogo Community of Ado Ekiti is being addressed in finality. Workable resolutions have been reached following necessary sensitizations and bilateral meetings. All these are to provide soft Landing to the encroachers/illegal occupants.

    1. REVENUE GENERATION: – Owing to the vigorous sensitizations, monitoring and control activities which are part of the remedial initiatives of this administration, the Ministry was able to generate the sum total of N364,711,755.31 to the State coffers between October,2018 – August, 2019. This performance far surpasses the record for the same length of period between October, 2017 to August, 2018 when the Ministry was only able to generate N169,026,549.95 before the inception of this administration.
  • Housing Corporation
  1. Land acquisition and payment of compensation
  2. The development, construction, sales and management of housing estates and industrial estates.
  3. Mortgage arrangement for clients.
  4. Plan approval and development control within its estates.
  5. Property management
  6. Advice on investment matters
  7. Provision of consultancy services both in evaluation, design and construction
  8. Land allocation (site and services scheme)
  9. Implementation of Ekiti Housing programmes-Ekiti Home Agenda
  • Office of the Surveyor General
  1. Production of maps in adequate quantum and thematic to serve the physical development need of all facilitators of physical development.
  2. Establishment of Geodetic controls for survey and engineering works, cadastral and special surveys.
  3. Handling of all technical aspects of boundary disputes (Inter State, Intra-State and Inter-Communal) in the State.
  4. Handling of all surveys (Perimeter Engineering, Topographical and Hydrological) towards physical development within the state.
  5. Approval of survey plans including plans for private, corporate and government projects.
  6. Co-ordinating the activities and checking/standardization of survey jobs carried out by all survey practitioners/consultants in the State.
  7. Handling of base maps and custodian of Geographic Information resources relating to the State.
  • Urban Renewal Agency

The core mandate is to implement government policies and programmes aimed at improving or upgrading the environment thereby enhancing the quality of life of the people within the capital city and other urban centres.

Schedule of duties

  1. Monitoring and identifying areas that are qualified for upgrading and advising the state government on the necessary redevelopment or renewal programme accordingly
  2. Preparing and implementing approved State Urban redevelopment projects.
  3. Holding, administering and maintaining government or renewal projects areas.
  4. To develop the State Capital and other urban centres in the area of urban renewals, provision of infrastructural, construction of modern urban markets, recreational/industrial centres and other principal services.
  5. To mobilize fund and other resources through Public Private Partnership (PPP) and other donor agencies (local and International) for the infrastructural development.

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