Scholarship Awards

DATE OF SU BMISSION: All prospective applicants are to submit their hard copy application form (5) on or before FRIDAY 15Th June, 2023. Late Application Form(s) will not be accepted by the Board.
Download the scholarship/Bursary forms below
Click here to download for Physically Challenge Students
Click here to download for Undergraduate Students
Click here to download for Postgraduate Students
Click here to download for Physcially Challenged Postgraduate
Click here to download for Bursary Awards


Free application forms for Undergraduate, HND, Post Graduate and Physically Challenged students are now available to prospective applicants at Ekiti State Scholarship Board, New Scecretariat, Ado-Ekiti. All applicants should apply online through this website
Date: 1st May To 15th June, 2023

Ekiti State Schorlarship Board
P.M.B 5329, State Secretariat Complex
Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State
Phone: +234 803 565 5848
Email: ekitisb@ekitistate.gov.ng