Government of Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Ekiti State Health Insurance Scheme

Ekiti State Government signed into law the bill establishing the Ekiti State Health Insurance Scheme (EKHIS) in 2016, with the objective of providing equitable access to basic healthcare needs and risk protection for the residents regardless of income levels or social status. This objective aligns with the United Nation Sustainable Development Goal on healthcare (SDG3) of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all while strengthening the health systems.


EKHIS was launched on 10th July 2020 by the State Government.

The EKHIS objective is to provide equitable access to basic healthcare needs and risk protection for the residents regardless of income levels or social status.

The Scheme is operating in 177 accredited PHCs , 21 SHFs, 2 THFs and 4 privates facilities

BHCPF has currently enrolled 39,068 and has rendered over 97,000 services  across the 175 PHCs in the state.

The Ekiti state government set up Ulerawa health program under the State Health Insurance Scheme which focuses on enabling pregnant women, children U-5 and adults to have access to equal and quality healthcare services

The ULERAWA program have treated 277, 425 persons with over 250,000 claims accross all the 16 LGAs of the state

Ulerawa aims at; Increasing coverage of highly cost-effective reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health services; providing operational budgets to PHCs to enable them improve their capacity to deliver PHC services; Increasing productivity of the provider; Improve the quality of care at the PHC level

Ulerawa focuses on providing reimbursement to health facilities based on the delivery of a suite of high impact health interventions that addresses 73% of the disease burden in the State.

The Ulerawa program uses a bundled fee for service approach to payment. (A bundled FFS payment that is in line with clinical guidelines to ensure complete services and improved quality of care has been adopted by the EKHIS as its preferred method of payments.), to reimburse facilities for delivering services.

Ulerawa program is a health equity program that aims to cover 1,000,000 persons by 2027 with the following objectives

Objectives of Ulerawa program

  • Increase coverage of highly cost-effective services especially maternal and child health services
  • Fund PHCs to enable delivery on the set of highly cost-effective maternal and child health services
  • Increase productivity of health care providers
  • Improve the quality of care at the primary health care level

The package of interventions of ULERAWA program covers 56 services, categorized into following core areas of health care:

i. Antenatal care
ii. Delivery
iii. Post natal care
iv. Childcare
v. Family Planning
vi. Malaria for all

We discovered that the major hindrance to non-utilization of government health facilities was the financial barrier among the citizens. The ULERAWA health intervention of the Ekiti State Government through the Ekiti State Health Insurance Scheme will ensure that all residents of Ekiti state has access to quality health care services and protect them from financial hardship of huge medical bills.

Accessible healthcare for Ekiti State Residents

To put in place appropriate health plans and programs that will ensure access of all Ekiti residents to qualitative and affordable health care services through collective pooling and redistribution of financial resources.

The scheme objectives are to:

  • Ensure access to quality healthcare services for every resident of Ekiti State
  • Ensure residents have financial Protection and access to affordable healthcare services.
  • Protect families from the financial hardship of huge medical bills.
  • Limit the cost inflation of healthcare services
  • Promote efficiency in healthcare service delivery.
  • Ensure adequate distribution of healthcare costs across income groups.
  • Promote private sector participation in the provision of healthcare services.
  • Ensure the Basic Minimum Package of Health Services (BMPHS) as stipulated by the National Health Act is delivered to the poor and vulnerable residents of Ekiti State.
  • Take appropriate measures to plan, organize and develop medical and other health services commensurate with the needs of the residents, especially in areas with limited access to health facilities.
  • Take necessary measures to facilitate access and delivery of quality health services for all residents of Ekiti State.

Our mandate are:

  • To establishing quality assurance for all stakeholders.
  • Implementation of the minimum benefit package as defined under the National Health Act.
  • Determining, after due consideration,capitation, fees- for service and other payment mechanisms due to health care providers, by the HMOs in line with similar scheme.
  • Advising the relevant bodies on inter-relationship of the scheme with other social security services.
  • Classifying healthcare facilities and provides in a manner that shall help improve health outcomes in the state as required under the National Health Act.
  • Ekiti State Health Insurance Scheme Committees.
  • Ekiti State Ministry of Health.
  • National Health Insurance Scheme.
  • Third Party Administrators.
  • EKSHIS Accredited Private Healthcare Providers.
  • Primary Healthcare Development Agency.
  • Ekiti State Ministry of Finance.
  • Ekiti State Ministry of Justice.
  • Registered Enrollees.
  • Public and private sector Employers, trade unions, community leaders and tradesmen/market groups.
  • Ministry of information.
  • Any other body that maybe considered by the scheme from time to time.


1 Dr. Charles Olusegun Doherty General Manager.
2 Mrs. G.T Adeyemo Director Admin & Supplies.
3 Mr. Olaoye Samuel Director Finance & Account.
4 Mls. Ogundero Oluwabunmi Director of Programme.
5 Mr. Ogunyemi Oyeyemi Director Planning Research & Statistics.
6 Mrs. Priscilla Oyediran Director Quality Assurance.
7 Mr. Akinola Ilesanmi Chief Internal Auditor.

Address: Secretariat phase 5, Ado-Ekiti
Facebook:- Ekhis ekitistate.
Phone Number: 08033203314

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